THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JULY 15TH: The Scorpio Moon continues to nurture our capacity for empowering change, beautiful transformation, and deepening with those we love. It’s a gorgeous day for all three activities! Meanwhile this morning at 10:05 AM EDT, Mars, the planet of action and desire joins up with Uranus, the planet of evolution and awakening, to expedite our capacity to get to higher ground on all levels. It’s a beautiful day for constructive breakthroughs in our consciousness, how we embody it, and all that we seek to build and create. It’s another stellar day for evolution!

ARIES: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your deepest sector, where empowering beautiful change is underway. It’s another gorgeous day to advance mergers, make changes and deepen with those you love. Meanwhile, Mars, your ruling planet, joins up with Uranus, the evolutionary planet of  breakthroughs, inviting you to explore entirely new options when it comes to your fiscal and material as well as your elevating consciousness.

TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on making empowering changes within partnerships, and within relationship patterns again today, as you deepen with those you love. Meanwhile, this morning at 10:05 AM EDT, Mars, the planet of action and desire, joins up with the evolutionary elevating Uranus, in your sign, inspiring a great day for breakthroughs. It’s a stellar day for constructive innovative action to build and live your dreams.

GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon continues to nurture your capacity to make small changes that add up to major transformations, at work, and in your body mind and spirit. Meanwhile Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus in your spiritual sector, where it’s a great day for elevating breakthrough in your consciousness, and how you build and embody your dream.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on inviting you to delight in the power of creativity, and the power of love again today. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus in Taurus, in your social sector, inviting you to put some real muscle into brilliant, innovative changes in building your social life. It’s time to step out of your social comfort zone, and thrive in a whole new way.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon, keeps the focus on your home sector, and empowering changes you are in the midst of making there. It’s another stellar day for shedding outworn family dynamics. Meanwhile, today at 10:05 AM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus the planet of evolution in your career sector, inviting you to put some energy into beautiful profitable, professional breakthroughs.

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your mind, and your capacity to change it at will. It’s a gorgeous day to keep your mental focus where you want it, thus building concentration. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, joins up with evolutionary Uranus in Taurus in your publishing sector of the higher mind, where brilliant breakthroughs are underway, to get you to higher ground mentally and in other ways as well.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your fiscal sector of values and possessions, where empowering beautiful change is underway. Meanwhile this morning at 10:05 AM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus, the planet of breakthroughs, in your deepest sector, to help you break out of old emotional patterns and step into empowering new ones.

SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your sector of self again today, inviting you into a day of nurturing and empowering self-care. Make space for your feelings and needs. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus the planet of evolutionary change, in your partnership sector where big, empowering, mutually liberating changes are underway. It’s a gorgeous day to step into new dynamics.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual sector today, where it’s another fabulous day to connect with your angels, ancestors and the Divine Guidance that is always available. Meanwhile this morning at 10:05 AM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, joins up with evolutionary Uranus in your work sector, inspiring, big, beautiful, profitable breakthroughs at work that could be game changers.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your social sector today, where it’s another stellar day for your social life, and for building deep and mutually empowering friendships and alliances. Meanwhile, this morning at 10:05 AM ADT, Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus, the planet of evolutionary breakthroughs, in your creative sector to nurture your brilliance. It’s time to act on brilliant creative breakthroughs.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your public life, long-term goals and capacity for empowering success again today. Meanwhile Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus, the planet of breakthroughs in your home sector, where it’s time for powerful evolutionary, and positive change.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon keeps the focus on your mind, beliefs, and need for empowering adventure, inviting you to explore changes in all of these areas. Meanwhile, this morning Mars, the planet of action, joins up with Uranus, the planet of genius. Brilliant liberating changes are in the air and in your mind. Act on them today, and dare to think way outside the box.