THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JULY 1ST: Today as the day and month begin, the moon is cruising through grounding, beautiful Taurus to keep our feet on the ground as we explore the feelings needs and soulful pursuits, that the Sun, Venus and Mercury in soulful Cancer are inspiring. Today the Taurus Moon will join up with Mars in Taurus to fuel our most beautiful, profitable, sensual, and pleasurable ideas and activities. It’s a gorgeous day to enjoy life as we keep our feet on the ground and our head exploring expanding visions ideas, feelings and dreams that are calling and won’t let go.

ARIES: The month and day begin with the Moon, cruising through earthy grounded Taurus in your fiscal sector, where she meets up with Mars, your ruling planet, to turbo charge your most profitable ideas and thinking. It’s a gorgeous day to act on constructive ideas and pleasurable pursuits. Enjoy and celebrate your life.

TAURUS: The month and day begin with the moon cruising through your sign beautiful Taurus, where today she will join up with Mars, to turbo charge your self-care, and your capacity to nurture the ideas, enterprises, and desires, that you want to advance. Move things forward today that matter to you. Slow and steady wins the race, as does time for pleasure.

GEMINI: The month and day begin with the Moon cruising through your inner ashram, as she glides through Taurus and joins up with Mars in your spiritual sector. It’s a beautiful day to be a disciplined, spiritual warrior, and devote yourself to prayer, meditation, yoga, and the pursuit of your most Divinely inspired, constructive, beautiful dreams.

CANCER: The month and day begin with the Moon cruising through earthy grounded Taurus, where she will join up with Mars in your social sector today. It’s a fantastic day for group activities, collaborations, and building a social life that really nurtures you. Step out of your comfort zone today and thrive.
LEO: The month and day begin with the Moon cruising through earthy Taurus in your career sector, where today she joins up with Mars the warrior, to nurture your executive discipline, and your capacity to advance profitable, brilliant plans that lead to success. It’s a gorgeous day to define success and steadily move toward it.

VIRGO: The month and day begin with the Moon cruising through your higher mind, as she travels through earthy Taurus in your sector of publishing, travel, and philosophical wisdom. Luna joins up with Mars in Taurus today, fueling your most brilliant activities and beautiful profitable plans. Act on them today, slowly and steadily.

LIBRA: The month and day begin with the Moon cruising through earthy, gorgeous Taurus joining up with Mars, the planet of action, in your deepest sector, to fuel brilliant ideas for mergers and blossoming intimacy with those love. It’s a beautiful day for constructive collaborations and pleasurable action and activity. Dive deep and explore your feelings and needs today.

SCORPIO: The month and day begin with the Moon cruising through earthy beautiful Taurus, where she will join up with Mars in your partnership sector. It’s a stellar day to advance, pleasurable, romantic, partnerships, and profitable business ones. Today life is presenting you with beautiful ideas and opportunities to nurture the give-and-take within loving, beautiful relationships.

SAGITTARIUS: The month and day begin with the Moon, cruising through earthy, beautiful Taurus, where she will join up with Mars, the warrior, to nurture your capacity for success at work and in your daily life. It’s a beautiful day to hone your skills, enjoy some pleasure, and advance the projects and skillful pursuits that will lead to profitable success.

CAPRICORN: The month and day begin with the Moon cruising through beautiful earthy Taurus in your creative sector, to nurture your capacity for creative fulfillment, romantic fulfillment, and pleasurable recreational joy. Luna will join up with Mars today, to fuel your most beautiful pleasurable activities. Enjoy.

AQUARIUS: The month and day began with the Moon, cruising through earthy beautiful Taurus, where she will join up with Mars in your home sector. The planets are supporting you to act on your most beautiful constructive desires, at home and with family. It’s also a great day to enjoy some solo time pursuing your own bliss.

PISCES: The month and day begin with the Moon, cruising through earthy beautiful Taurus in your sector of mind, where today she’ll join up with Mars the warrior. Today the planets will be fueling your capacity to take constructive, practical action to advance your most beautiful potentially profitable, and certainly pleasurable ideas and activities. Split the day between that which advances profitable ideas, and that advances pleasurable ones.