THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JULY 8TH: The waxing Leo Moon is on the hunt, searching out our passion and all that brings us joy. It’s a beautiful day to join her. Pursue your passion! Luna also confers with Saturn in Pisces, inviting us to confer with our hearts about the dreams that we’re committed to, then take courageous action to achieve them. It’s also a stellar day for beautiful domestic activities and breakthroughs within family patterns, Venus in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus are helping us step into healthy new family dynamics.

ARIES: The waxing Leo Moon keeps the focus on your creativity, romantic life and all that brings you joy. It’s a stellar day to make some time for whatever lights you up, and awakens your heart, as you take action to advance vision you are committed to.

TAURUS: The waxing Leo Moon continues to nurture love, warmth and creative bliss in your domestic life. It’s a stellar day to act on your vision for home family and shared dreams with those you love. Dare to step into new creative ideas and relationship dynamics, led by your heart.

GEMINI: The waxing Leo Moon continues to prowl through your mind, on the hunt for your most brilliant ideas and your capacity to manifest them beautifully, lovingly and brilliantly. Today, Luna confers with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to check with your heart, as you advance your most visionary ambitions. Commit to what you love.

CANCER: The waxing Leo Moon continues to prowl through your fiscal sector, in search of your most golden, profitable, and brilliant ideas, that it’s time to market or monetize. Today, Luna confers with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with your most beloved visionary projects and devote some elbow grease, love and devotion to them, this very day.

LEO: The waxing Leo Moon is shedding her golden light on you again today, cocooning you with the sunlight and moonlight that nurtures, surrounds, and protects you, while inspiring you to shine. Today, Luna confers with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to invite your heart to reflect on your deepest and most beloved dreams and visions you are committed to. Act on them today!

VIRGO: The waxing Leo moon is traveling through your spiritual sector again today, on the prowl for the dreams and visions that feed your soul the nectar of enlightenment and true bliss. Today, Luna confers with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reflect on the dreams that you can commit to with brilliance and, creative action.

LIBRA: The Leo Moon is traveling through your social sector again today, nurturing your golden friendships, brilliant alliances, and profitable collaborations. It’s another stellar day for beautiful fun and creative activities with friends. Luna confers with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reflect on, or reconnect with beloved visions. Act on them today with courage and conviction.

SCORPIO: The Leo Moon continues her glide through your sector of career and professional success, shining like a star that guides you to real achievement. It’s a gorgeous day to climb toward what you love most, like a mountain lion leaping to the heights. Today’s climb involves following your creative bliss with discipline, passion, and determination.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Leo Moon is traveling through your publishing sector again today, as your brilliant ideas also wax. It’s a gorgeous day to keep working on the projects you love most. Meanwhile, the Leo Moon will confer with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to plumb your family history and ancestry for stories, and creative ideas. It’s also a gorgeous day to see how your creativity can nurture your domestic dream.

CAPRICORN: The waxing Leo Moon is waxing through your deepest sector, inspiring your passion and creative power to also wax. Act on your most brilliant, love centered impulses today. Follow your creative passion. Luna confers with Saturn, your ruling planet, in Pisces, inviting you to crystallize the visions that are your heart is committing to. Act on them with courage, heart, and all your creative genius.

AQUARIUS: The waxing Leo Moon continues waxing through your partnership sector, nurturing your need for love, warmth, love, affection, and fun within your most important relationships. Today Luna will confer with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reflect on the fiscal aspects of your vision for partnerships.

PISCES: The waxing Leo Moon continues gliding through your work and health sector, nurturing your capacity to rise and shine on the job. It’s a gorgeous day to keep honing your creative skills, your leadership skills, and attend to the routines and habits that keep you healthy, wealthy, radiant and wise.