ARIES: The Moon glides into Scorpio in your sector of birth, death, and rebirth, in the pre-dawn hours, inviting you to reflect on conditions you want to bring forth, conditions you want to release, and where you want a gorgeous rebirth in your life. Let go of anything weighing you down.
TAURUS: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio in your partnership sector in the pre-Dawn hours, inviting you to reflect on what you would love to transform within relationship dynamics. What would you like less of? What would you like more of? What needs to change?
GEMINI: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio in the pre-Dawn hours in your work and health sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and be an energetic tornado of transformational energy today. It’s a great day to transform conditions, feelings, health practices and work projects.
CANCER: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio in your creative sector of art and children in the pre-Dawn hours, inviting you to take note of what needs to change within your creative and romantic life. It’s a gorgeous day to release what keeps you from joy of living and expressing your brilliant self.
LEO: The waning Moon heads into Scorpio in your home sector in the predawn hours, inviting you to make big empowering changes in your home life. It’s a stellar day to connect with your ancestors and nurture your roots. Release what no longer serves you, connect with what does on the home front.
VIRGO: The waning Moon heads into Scorpio in your sector of mind first thing today, inviting you to release patterns of thought and feeling that disempower you, and are simply not true. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with empowering truths and affirmations or projects that lead to strength and success.
LIBRA: The waning Moon heads into Scorpio in your physical, material sector, tomorrow, inviting you to make powerful changes regarding your financial habits and material life. It’s a beautiful day to thrive financially, and to reclaim a deep sense of beautiful self-worth.
SCORPIO: The waning Moon heads into your sign tomorrow, Scorpio in your sector of self, inviting you to enjoy some self-care post eclipse, and to also take note of the deepest feelings and the needs that they point to that are arising since the Full Moon. It’s a beautiful day to connect with friends, and notice your feelings about them.
SAGITTARIUS: The waning Moon heads into Scorpio in your spiritual sector, in the predawn hours, inviting you to go within, and connect with angels and ancestors who can guide you on your journey today. Today your transformation comes from surrender to the Divine Source that dreamed you up. Let go and let the Source guide you to new visions.
CAPRICORN: The waning Moon heads into Scorpio in your social sector in the pre-Dawn hours, inviting you to explore your feelings and needs within friendships, your social network, and your community. It’s a beautiful day to make changes, and to reach out and deepen with those you love.
AQUARIUS: The waning Moon heads into Scorpio in your public sector of professional success, in the predawn hours. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your own sense of empowerment within your public or professional life. What is working? What is not? It’s a great day to make changes that lead to success.
PISCES: The waning Moon heads into Scorpio in your publishing sector in the pre-Dawn hours, inviting you to change your mind, and change some beliefs. It’s a great day to let go of any disempowering beliefs but first you must dive deep and unearth them then let them go. Clear the way for empowerment. Make changes that will lead to success.