THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY MAY 27TH: A Blessed Memorial Day to All. Blessings of remembrance and deepest gratitude to those who perished while serving and defending our country. We can never repay those willing to lay down their lives for our country and for the principals on which she stands, but we can honor those who gave the last full measure of devotion to our nation. Deepest comfort also to the surviving family friends, and loved one of the perished and the fallen. May Divine Peace and comfort be with you somehow today.

Today the Capricorn Moon harmonizes with Jupiter and Uranus to nurture our deepest sense of responsibility, duty, and commitment, while expanding our self discipline and its power to lead us to success and independence. The Capricorn Moon goes void from 4:02 PM EDT to 4:35 PM EDT, when she glides into liberating Aquarius, the sign of independence reminding us what those who we memorialized today were fighting for. The Aquarius Moon will join up with Pluto today to turbo charge our love of freedom independence, and the pursuit of happiness. Celebrate the freedom that many fought and died for.

ARIES: The day begins with the Moon cruising through Capricorn in your executive suite, harmonizing with Uranus and Jupiter to nurture your most expansive thinking and your fiscal independence. This afternoon Luna goes void at 4:02 PM EDT, till 4:35 PM EDT when she glides into Aquarius to turbocharge your love of freedom, independence, and community with those on your wavelength.

TAURUS: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn in your travel and philosophical sector, inspiring another brilliant day to advance beautiful travels, big ideas, and out of the box thinking. At 4:02 PM EDT Luna goes void till 4:35 PM EDT when she glides into Aquarius, where she joins up with Pluto, to turbo charge your capacity for authentic success.

GEMINI:The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn in your deepest sector, nurturing your deepest commitments and your deepest sense of duty. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:35 PM EDT, when she heads into Aquarius and your sector of the higher mind, to nurture your freedom, genius, and true ideas that set you free from falsehoods.

CANCER: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn in your partnership sector, inspiring big, brilliant, out of the box ideas to explore with partners. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:35 PM EDT when she heads into Aquarius in your deepest sector to liberate you from false beliefs, and ancestral patterns and ideas that no longer serve you. It’s time for a deep level of liberation.

LEO: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn in your work and health sector, nurturing your self discipline, while inspiring you to advance your biggest and most brilliant ideas. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:35 PM EDT, when she heads into Aquarius in your partnership sector and joins up with Pluto to nurture the empowering changes on the partnership front that you are in the midst of.

The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn in your creative sector, nurturing your creative discipline and your capacity to deploy it to achieve your biggest and most beautiful brilliant ideas. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:35 PM EDT when she heads into Aquarius to nurture, big changes in your daily life and organizational skills.

LIBRA: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn in your domestic sector, nurturing your capacity to set your home life in order, and think bigger about shared resources and mergers that could be massively profitable. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:30 PM EDT when she heads into Aquarius and connects with Pluto, to nurture your creativity and your creative empowerment.

SCORPIO: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn in your mental sector, to nurture your executive intelligence and your capacity to focus on big, brilliant, innovative, shared ideas with partners. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:30 PM EDT, when she heads into Aquarius to nurture your home sector, and the big empowering changes that are occurring on the home front.

SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with the moon traveling through Capricorn in your fiscal sector, making this a stellar day to review your financial duties, responsibilities, and capacity for big success, through creative and constructive endeavors and projects. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:30 PM EDT, when she heads into Aquarius to nurture your mental freedom, independence, and empowerment.

CAPRICORN: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn, harmonizing with Jupiter and Uranus, inviting you to think much bigger, and explore out of the box ideas when it comes to self-care, health, and happiness. At 4:02 PM EDT Luna goes void till 4:30 PM EDT, when she heads into Aquarius to nurture your fiscal and material life, inspiring some empowering financial changes.

AQUARIUS: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn harmonizing with Jupiter and Uranus to expand your consciousness and your vision for your happiness and fulfillment, way outside the usual parameters. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:30 PM EDT, when she heads into your sign Aquarius, and joins up with Pluto, to turbo charge your authentic self. Be yourself today, no one else can.

PISCES: The day begins with the Moon traveling through Capricorn, harmonizing with Jupiter and Uranus, to nurture the friendships, alliances, and groups that you are committed to. Expand your thinking about what’s possible within them. At 4:02 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 4:30 PM EDT, when she heads into Aquarius, and joins up with Pluto, to turbocharge your spiritual and visionary empowerment. It’s time to dream big.

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