THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16TH: The Aquarius Moon goes void at 1:04 AM EDT, till 5:39 AM, when she touches down into the soulful, spiritual waters of Pisces, in advance of tomorrow’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in the sign of the fish. It’s a beautiful day for active dreaming, imagining and taking practical action to manifest those dreams.

Our feelings may be cresting very high when it comes to beloved dreams and recent losses. The veil between the worlds is always thin when the Moon is in beautiful spiritual Pisces. Today Luna will harmonize with Mars in Cancer, making it a stellar day to send blessings across the veil to ancestors and beloved souls who have passed beyond. It’s a perfect day for prayer, blessings, meditation, yoga, and giving ceaseless thanks for the staggering beauty of this thing called life.

To register for tomorrow’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Tele seminar, click here:

ARIES: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing Moon glides into visionary Pisces, where she will be full tomorrow in your spiritual sector. It’s a beautiful day to notice what dreams and visions are cresting for you by the light of this full moon. Work on those dreams today. The Virgo Sun is working to keep you, healthy, organized and successful as you advance your visions and send and receive blessings to and from your ancestors.

TAURUS: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing Moon glides into visionary Pisces in your social sector, to nurture your dreams and visions that involve friendship, collaboration, community and networking. It’s a gorgeous day to pray, meditate and otherwise becoming enlightened and blissful with friends, colleagues and community, as you advance your dreams.

GEMINI: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your executive suite, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a gorgeous day to begin to actively advance the visionary goals and projects that you intend to succeed at. The Pisces Moon is working with Mars in Cancer, to help you to nurture, profitable, fertile visionary prospects.

CANCER: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your publishing sector, where she will be full tomorrow, to nurture your most visionary ideas, projects and possibilities. Luna will be harmonizing with Mars in your sign today, inviting you to nurture the dreams that you want to bring forth, especially domestic and family visions.

LEO: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your deepest sector, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to send blessings to your ancestors, and those who have crossed over, as you advance the visions that you feel most deeply about. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with the Loving Source of your being, and your closest peeps.

VIRGO: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your partnership sector, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a gorgeous day to work in tandem with partners, on dreams that you share, or to take actions to manifest partner if you desire one. It’s a fertile day for friendship, partnership, and connecting with friends with whom you can share your heart and soul.

LIBRA: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your work and health sector, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to work on the details of larger visions as you also work on health, fitness and visionary projects. Delight in the bigger visionary work projects that you’re committed to succeeding at. Advance them.

SCORPIO: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your creative sector, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a stellar day to work on the dreams you feel most passionate about, especially creative and romantic visions. Cocoon with them. Give them time and love.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your home sector, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to actively advance your domestic dreams and visions, as you connect with partners and look into mergers and financing that could support your larger domestic dreams and family visions.

CAPRICORN: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your sector of mind, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to crystallize, define and advance visionary ideas that call to you and won’t let go. Luna harmonizes with Mars in Cancer today, inviting you to actively work with partners to make your shared dreams a reality.

AQUARIUS: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your fiscal, material sector, where she will be full tomorrow, to nurture your visions that you intend to manifest monetize or market. It’s a beautiful day to work on the details of what you intend to bring forth and materialize. What are you dreaming up? What will it cost?

PiSCES: Today at 5:39 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into visionary Pisces in your sector of self, where she will be full tomorrow. It’s a gorgeous day for all forms of self-care, which today involves making time to advance your beloved dreams and creative visions. Take note of your feelings and needs as tomorrow there’s an eclipse that could be bringing up a lot for you, Send blessings to your ancestors, and those on the other side of the veil. You have more support than you realize.