THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9TH: Today in the pre dawn hours as the Moon waxes through Scorpio, Mercury heads into Virgo, where he began his retrograde in early August. We will have two more days of being in the shadow of the retrograde, making today an excellent day to review and revise plans and ideas that require some tweaking. Mercury will be in Virgo, the sign of his exaltation for weeks to come till he heads into Libra on 26th of September. Till then is a great time to put on our thinking caps and get bust refining and organizing our best thinking, planning and ideas.

Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon. Invites us to nurtures our power to change. At 1:11 PM. EDT, the Scorpio Moon goes void till 1:26 PM EDT, when she heads into adventurous, Sagittarius, inspiring a stellar afternoon for exploring the meaning of life and other exciting adventures.

ARIES: Today in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo, in your sector of work and health, inspiring weeks of clear, analytical and diagnostic thinking about your work, your daily life, your health, and the details and logistics that require your attention. Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon invites you to dive deep and reflect on your deepest feelings, needs, finances and mergers. Luna goes void briefly from 1:11 PM EDT to 1:26 PM when she heads into Sagittarius to nurture your need for a higher perspective and some adventure.

TAURUS: Today in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your sector of art, creativity, and romance for weeks to come. Mercury will be inspiring you to analyze, organize and refine your creative, romantic and recreational life. Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon inspires a beautiful morning for partnerships. At 1:26 PM EDT, Luna heads into Sagittarius, to deepen your connection to those you love and are committed to.

GEMINI: Today in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your home sector, to nurture your best thinking about home, family, organizing and housekeeping for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon inspires a great morning for re-organizing at work and transforming health practices.At 1:26 PM EDT, Luna heads into Sagittarius, inviting you to delight in nurturing the soul of your partnerships.

CANCER: Today in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your sector of mind, to nurture your best thinking, and your most intelligent, analytical and discerning intelligence. Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon invites you to spend the morning on creative projects. After 1:26 PM is a great time to explore the adventure of exciting new work, health, or fitness routines.

LEO: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your fiscal sector, to help you organize and analyze your financial and material life for weeks to come. It’s time to create pristine clarity and order when it comes to fiscal and material matters. Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon invites you into a great morning for housekeeping. The afternoon after 1:26 PM EDT looks great for creative and romantic adventure.

VIRGO: In the predawn hours today, Mercury heads into your sign Virgo, where he’s happiest and operates best. Your ruling planet will be in your sign for weeks to come, inspiring your legendary analytical and diagnostic brilliance. It’s time to put on your thinking cap and organize or clarify your ideas and thinking. Meanwhile the morning is looking great for focused thinking. This afternoon at 1:26 PM EDT, Luna glides into Sagittarius inspiring some domestic and family adventure.

LIBRA: Today in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your spiritual sector, where he will be inspiring your most devotional thinking and practical visionary intelligence that can advance your visions and dreams. The morning looks good for organizing your financial and material life. After 1:26 PM.EDT it’s time for some mental, philosophical, and creative adventure.

SCORPIO: In the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your social sector for weeks to come. He will be inspiring you to put your head together with intelligent friends and skillful allies who can help you analyze and organize whatever requires some practical or specialized assistance. Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon is in your sign this morning, inviting you to keep making empowering changes that really take care of you. After 1:26 PM EDT Luna heads into Sagittarius in your fiscal sector, where becoming prosperous is a great adventure.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your career sector for weeks to come. Mercury will be inspiring analytical and diagnostic brilliance and intelligence, that can lead to new success as you attend to the details get organized for success. Meanwhile, the Scorpio Moon invites you into a great morning for your spiritual practice, and stellar afternoon for all forms of self-care at 1:26 PM, when Luna glides into your sign.

CAPRICORN: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your sector of the higher mind, publishing, and presentations. Mercury will inspire you to analyze and organize your best ideas, projects, and presentations for weeks to come. The Scorpio Moon invites you to share feelings, thoughts and ideas with trusted friends this morning. The afternoon looks great for pulling in and organizing adventurous visions.

AQUARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your deepest sector, to nurture in your emotional intelligence and your capacity to analyze and be present to your deepest feelings and the needs they point to, and become aware of the feelings and needs of those you care about. It’s also a great time to analyze investments for viability. The morning looks great for working towards success. This afternoon looks great for your social life.

PISCES: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury heads into Virgo in your partnership sector for weeks to come. Mercury will be helping you analyze and organize what is needed within partnerships or to manifest a partnership, if one is desired. Mercury will also be helping you to refine communication patterns with partners. The morning looks great for advancing empowering ideas. The afternoon looks great for traveling toward success, whatever that means for you.