THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JUNE 18TH: This morning near dawn at 4:54 AM EDT the waxing Moon glides into lovely Libra, to nurture our inner peace and need for soulful beauty to sustain us. The Libra Moon will also be nurturing our need for fair and nourishing relationships and connections today, inspiring us to reach out to friends, partners and new acquaintances with whom we feel soulful connection and reciprocity. This evening the Libra Moon confers with Mars in Leo to kindle the flame of romance and creative passion. It’s a perfect day to follow your gorgeous exquisite bliss, wherever it may lead.
ARIES: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your partnership sector to nurture your relationship to beauty and your need for soulful companionship. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to advance romantic or creative desires…or both. It’s a stellar day for creative partnerships.
TAURUS: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your work and health sector to nurture your mental peace and physical poise and balance. It’s a great day to consciously cultivate all forms of balance that support your health and capacity to succeed. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to explore family partnerships and beautiful creative projects at home.
GEMINI: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your creative sector of love and romance, to nurture your capacity to express yourself win exquisite works of art and acts of love. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to put pen to paper and let your golden thoughts words and ideas flow onto the page.
CANCER: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your home sector to nurture the beauty in your home, and balance within your relationships. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to explore domestic ideas that could be profitable. It’s also a great day to spend a little money on your home or family.
LEO: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your sector of mind to nurture your your mental peace and verbal poise. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to pursue your desire for partnership and heart centered self expression. It’s a gorgeous day to take to the page, stage or podium.
VIRGO: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your fiscal sector to nurture your capacity to manifest beauty, bounty and reciprocal relationships in your life. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to take tangible action to nurture your golden dreams and visions. Meditate, then act.
LIBRA: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your sector of self, to nurture your soul with gentle peace, and all forms of beauty. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to delight in the friends, colleagues and collaborations that light you up inside.
SCORPIO: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your spiritual sector to nurture the peace within you that comes from a deep connection to Source. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to pursue your desire for golden, creative success, with power and passion today. It’s a great day to brave things.
SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your social sector to nurture a number of friendships and gorgeous collaborations today, inspiring you to do the same. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to advance the creative collaborations or projects that ignite your passion and speak to your heart.
CAPRICORN: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your career sector to nurture your professional poise and the relationships or partnerships that lead to mutual success. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to explore mergers that speak to your heart and involve projects you feel passionate about.
AQUARIUS: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your philosophical, publishing sector to nurture your mental and philosophical balance. The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to explore philosophical creative collaborations and heart centered partnerships.
PISCES: This morning at 4:54 AM EDT, the gracious Moon waxes into Libra and your sector of emotional depths to nurture your deep inner peace and balance. It’s a beautiful day to commit to your deepest sense of peace and power.The Libra Moon will confer with Mars in radiant Leo this afternoon, inspiring you to explore beautiful collaborations, and fair creative mergers.