THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY FEBRUARY 15TH: Happy Presidents Day to All, especially to the souls of Washington and Lincoln, two men who set the bar high indeed in the founding of and saving of the Union. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate our own executive function, and reflect on the goals, efforts and duties that we are willing to give our disciplined committed attention to.
Luna in Aries will help us to marshal our energies to advance wise strategies that will lead to success. She will spend the day in fruitful meetings with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, Jupiter, and Venus in Aquarius, inspiring a great day for reviewing long term plans and commitments. It is a great day to review plans that involve networking, team efforts, relationships, and our most cherished ideals.Though the Aries Moon loves to move forward, some of our most important action today, will come from actively reviewing, revising and rethinking ideas and strategies. Sometimes we must retreat and review before we can advance.
ARIES: The Aries Moon is nurturing you and your capacity to act on your authentic needs and desires today, inspiring a day of active self care. She will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your social sector, inspiring a great day for some weighty review regarding big plans, your true commitments and the relationships that truly align with your heart, your soul and your goals.
TAURUS: The Aries Moon is nurturing your soul today, inspiring a day of prayer and meditation as she sweeps your inner ashram clean and sets it in order. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your career sector, inspiring a great day for spiritually guided reflection regarding your career goals, commitments, big projects and the team you are building. Reflect on needed revisions or adjustments.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon is nurturing your social life today, inspiring a wonderful day for reaching out to people who delight your heart, and nurture your soul. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your philosophical sector, inspiring a great day for reflecting on which birds of a feather you most want to flock together with. It’s a gorgeous day to connect or reconnect socially, as you reflect on your true desire for community and collective success.
CANCER: The Aries Moon is nurturing your executive goals and desires today, inspiring a great day to advance professional success. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring a great day for deep reflection regarding finances, mergers, joint efforts and the best way to deepen with those you love.
LEO: The Aries Moon is nurturing your most brilliant thinking and the beliefs that make you strong today, inspiring a great day to advance writing, teaching or communication projects. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus all in Aquarius in your partnership sector, inspiring a great day for reflecting on beliefs about relationships that stand in the way of the brilliant possibilities that are coming soon or are here already. Some rethinking is required, but for today, advance what you are clear about.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon is nurturing the depths of your soul today with power and passion, inspiring a great day for facing your dragons, advancing empowering mergers, and admitting what is not working for you. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your sector of work and health, inspiring a great day for attending to the practical details at work, rethinking some major logistics at work and making time for some healing of body, mind or spirit.
LIBRA: The Aries Moon is nurturing your committed relationships today, inspiring a great day for advancing shared plans and desires with those you love. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your creative sector, inspiring a great day for reflecting on the needs of your inner child, inner artist and inner lover. Review big creative ideas, or reconnect with them…they could be bigger than you realize.
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is nurturing your health, fitness, and capacity to set your life in order today, inspiring attention to practical details. She will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your home sector, inspiring a great day for all levels of housekeeping as you review domestic plans, especially what will work for you in the long term.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is nurturing your creativity today, inspiring you to boldly advance creative efforts and romantic desires. She will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus all in Aquarius in your sector of mind, inspiring a great day for germinating, advancing or reviewing your most brilliant, breakthrough ideas. Connect with your inner genius today. We all have one. What is yours like?
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is nurturing your domestic needs and desires today, inspiring you to take charge and advance them. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus all in Aquarius in your fiscal sector, inspiring a great day for exploring, reviewing, and when you are clear, advancing financial plans. You may need to adjust budgets, schedules or bids today. Get clear about your bottom line and what you value most.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is nurturing your mental clarity today, inspiring you to prioritize ideas, and define strategies. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus, all in Aquarius in your sector of self, inspiring a great day for reviewing big philosophical shifts that may affect some of your plans. Reflect on your emerging authentic self, and the evolutionary leap you are in the midst of. Invite the Higher Self to inform your thinking.
PISCES: The Aries Moon is nurturing your relationship to prosperity and material comfort today, inspiring a great day to advance financial plans and goals. Luna will spend the day in fruitful collaborations with Saturn, Mercury retrograde, expansive Jupiter, and lovely Venus all in Aquarius in your spiritual sector, inspiring a great day for rethinking some of the visions you are dreaming up, with an eye to reviewing budgets, profit margins, and costs. Dream, and crunch numbers. A dream with a schedule and budget tends to manifest and succeed!