THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY AUGUST 31ST: The day begins with Luna cruising through the intelligent airwaves of Gemini, inspiring us to nurture clarity of thought and our inner observer who stands outside of thought and feeling and merely observes without judgment. This detachment permits a part of us to stand above thoughts and emotional reactivity in order to remain objective and cultivate a Higher perspective. It’s an excellent day to nurture our objectivity as we see to the details and logistics of plans, goals ideas and dreams. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, providing a perfect evening for meditation, journalling about our feelings, and cultivating our capacity to focus the beam of our powerful attention.
ARIES: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your sector of mind, nurturing your clarity of thought, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s an excellent day for clarifying and advancing the logistics of plans and dreams. At 4:48 PM EDT, the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of meditation, reflection and verbal restraint.
TAURUS: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector, nurturing your best plans, ideas and enterprises, that could lead to new prosperity, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of organizing your finances and tending your your possessions as you quiet your mind and nurture your soul.
GEMINI: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your sector of self, nurturing your mind and soul, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets, inspiring you to advance beloved plans and dreams. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of quiet reflection and gentle self care.
CANCER: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector, nurturing your conscious connection to Divine Guidance, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets, inspiring you to advance your inspired dreams and goals. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring and evening of prayer and meditation that strengthens your connection to Source.
LEO: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your social sector, nurturing your soulful friendships and engaging group efforts, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a great day to connect with friend and allies as you advance collaborations. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of reflection regarding your social life and group collaborations.
VIRGO: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your career sector, nurturing your best strategies for professional and long term success, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a great day to advance dreams, visions and executive goals. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of executive reflection and some administrative housekeeping.
LIBRA: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your philosophical sector, nurturing your philosophical clarity and your capacity to share and present it, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a beautiful day to adAt 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of quiet reflection and meditation to further elevate your consciousness..
SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your capacity to release outworn emotional patterns and establish new empowering ones, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a great day to advance mergers and deepen with those you love. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of deep reflection and contemplation.
SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your partnership sector, nurturing your best ideas to share with business and personal partnerships, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a great day to advance share plans, dreams and visions. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of soulful peace and quiet with partners.
CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your work and health sector, nurturing your capacity to act on the logistics of your best ideas, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a stellar day to get clear on the nuts and bolts of work projects. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of housekeeping and getting organized.
AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your recreational sector, nurturing your best creative ideas and delightful recreational activities, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a great day to advance creative ideas and enjoy your favorite pastimes. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of rest and recreation.
PISCES: The Gemini Moon is cruising through your home sector, nurturing your best ideas for home or family projects, as she consults with a number of her fellow planets. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy domestic bliss as you advance family plans. At 4:48 PM EDT the Gemini Moon goes void for the day, inspiring an evening of nesting and resting.