THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY MARCH 21ST: The Gemini Moon goes void briefly this morning from 8:04 AM EDT, till 8:18 AM EDT, when she glides into the soulful waters of Cancer her home sign. Luna will be nurturing our domestic lives and sense of emotional security today. Meanwhile at 10:18 AM EDT gorgeous Venus joins the Sun in ruby red Aries the sign of passion, true desire and action. Venus will be stoking the flame of all that we truly love, inspiring courageous beautiful action to pursue our bliss. This morning the Cancer Moon squares off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between our desire for security and our desire to wade into the passionate stream of life to pursue our awakening desires, come what may! Do both today. Commit to your inner stability based on a solid sense of self love and self acceptance! From that foundation you can face life with a smile on your lips and a victory song in your heart. Spring forward towards what you truly love!

ARIES: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your home and family sector this morning at 8:18 AM to nurture your domestic bless and emotional security. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between the part of you that wants to nest and rest, and the part that is itching to take the world in a love embrace as you pursue your desires with characteristic passion and daring. Make time for both today.

TAURUS: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your sector of mind this morning at 8:18 AM EDT, to nurture your most fertile ideas and the mental patterns that nurture your emotional security and stability. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between cocooning with ideas that nurture you and advancing your vision with courage and daring action. Do a little of each, or combine the two.

GEMINI: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your fiscal sector this morning at 8:18 AM EDT, to nurture your self worth and your relationship to prosperity. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your fiscal needs and your social desires. It’s a great day to spend some money on social activities, and explore group efforts or investments that could be profitable.

CANCER: The waxing Moon glides into your sign Cancer, her home sign, and your sector of self this morning at 8:18 AM to nurture you and your sense of emotional security and stability. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your personal need for self care and professional or worldly desires that are calling you. Make time for both or combine the two by acting on goals that will nurture your long term success and happiness.

LEO: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your spiritual sector this morning at 8:18 AM EDT, to nurture your soul by nurturing your connection to your spiritual practice. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your need for spiritual comfort and your desire to advance your best ideas and projects. It’s a gorgeous day to invite Divine Guidance into your beliefs and how you execute projects and presentations.

VIRGO: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your social sector this morning at 8:18 AM to nurture your social life and the relationships that truly take care of you. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your broad social needs and your need to connect deeply with your closest relationships and the mergers it is time to advance. 

LIBRA: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your executive sector this morning at 8:18 AM to nurture your long term success and your goals for home and family. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your professional needs and your relationship needs. Make time for both today as you advance your true desires.

SCORPIO: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your philosophical publishing sector this morning at 8:18 AM EDT to nurture the beliefs that foster your inner peace and emotional security, as you nurture your favorite projects and presentations. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your need to start spring cleaning and your desire to advance certain ideas. Make time for both. Create a successful environment in which to explore new ideas.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your sector of depths and mergers this morning at 8:18 AM EDT, to nurture your deepest sense of emotional security and the relationships that support it. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your desire o deepen with partners and your desire to spend time on your favorite creative projects. Do both. It is also a great day for creative collaborations.

CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your partnership sector this morning at 8:18 AM EDT, to nurture the relationships you are committed to. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your relationship needs and your domestic desires. Make time for both today, or combine the two. 

AQUARIUS: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your sector of work and health, this morning at 8:18 AM to nurture your body, mind and soul with tender loving care. Join her and take impeccable care of yourself today. Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your need for soulful self care and your desire to advance ideas with daring action. Make time for both needs today. Take a daring action, then take a nap.

PISCES: The waxing Moon glides into Cancer, her home sign, and your sector of art, children and recreation, this morning at 8:18 AM to nurture your inner artist and inner child. Join her and make time for recreation, play and creativity.  Luna begins her day squaring off with the Sun and Venus in Aries, inspiring creative tension between your creative needs and your desire to advance new efforts that could lead to new streams of prosperity. It’s a great day to market your creative gold.