THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JUNE 3RD: The Pisces Moon goes void at 7:10 AM EDT, providing us with a perfect morning and early afternoon for reflection, meditation and putting our devotional practice first. It’s a beautiful morning to reflect on our dreams, and meditating on their feasibility. At 1:59 PM EDT the waning Moon heads into Aries to jumpstart our afternoon, inspiring action to release, advance of achieve our intentions. It’s a great afternoon to consult with our sacred inner warrior who sees with clarity and strategic intelligence. Seek inner guidance, then move into action. Action closes the gap between you and the victorious achievement of your dreams.
ARIES: The Pisces Moon goes void in your spiritual sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for prayer, meditation reflection and rather than decisive action regarding your dreams and visions. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into your sign Aries, in your sector of self, inspiring an afternoon of soulful and strategic action, to both nurture yourself and achieve your desires.
TAURUS: The Pisces Moon goes void in your social sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for reflection on your feelings about friendships and organizing social activities, rather than decisive action to advance plans. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your spiritual sector, to nurture your inner spiritual warrior, inspiring an afternoon of spiritually aligned action. Find the Divine Flow and go with it.
GEMINI: The Pisces Moon goes void in your career sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for executive reflection and administrative organizing rather than decisive action to achieve success. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your social sector, inspiring an afternoon of soulful and strategic action to nurture beloved friendships and advance social or networking plans.
CANCER: The Pisces Moon goes void in your philosophical sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for prayer, meditation and reflection and rather than decisive action regarding ideas, beliefs and your overall vision. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your career sector, inspiring an afternoon of action to advance your executive plans and long term goals.
LEO: The Pisces Moon goes void in your sector of depths and mergers at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for deep reflection and deep surrender to the Divine Flow, rather than decisive action regarding your dreams and desires. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your philosophical sector, inspiring an afternoon of action to advance plans and strategies that you are clear about, as you nurture your most empowering beliefs.
VIRGO: The Pisces Moon goes void in your partnership sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for reflection on your feelings about relationships, and organizing joint efforts. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring action to advance shared goals and joint efforts. Some of these actions may be to advance revisions inspired by the ongoing retrogrades.
LIBRA: The Pisces Moon goes void in your sector of work and health at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for prayer, reflection, and housekeeping rather than decisive action. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your partnership sector, inspiring an afternoon of action to advance shared efforts with partners or to seek partnership if you desire one. Delight in the empowerment that action inspires.
SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon goes void in your creative sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for reflection and creative puttering, rather than decisive action to advance creative projects. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your sector of work and health, inspiring an afternoon of action to set your life in oder and advance work efforts. Today the little things done with care add up to big things.
SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon goes void in your home and family sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for reflection on your feelings about home roots and ancestry as you set your house in order. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your creative sector, inspiring an afternoon of action to advance your creative vision and strategies. It’s a beautiful day to unleash your inner artist.
CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon goes void in your sector of thought and communication at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for reflection on your dreams and visions rather than decisive action to advance them. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your home sector, inspiring an afternoon of action to nurture and empower you at home. Act on your domestic desires. Create the home life that takes care of you.
AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon goes void in your fiscal sector at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for fiscal reflection and material maintenance, rather than decisive action regarding your income or purchases. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your sector of mind, inspiring an afternoon of bold action to develop or express ideas and strategies.
PISCES: The Pisces Moon goes void in your sector of self at 7:10 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for reflection and gentle self care, rather than decisive action regarding your dreams and visions. At 1:59 PM EDT, the waning Moon cruises into Aries in your fiscal sector, inspiring an afternoon of bold action to advance or revise profitable ideas and strategies.