THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JUNE 8TH: The day begins with the waning Moon cruising through Taurus, providing us with an excellent morning for constructive financial or maternal action. Use the morning to set your material life in order. At 11:07 AM EDT, the Taurus Mo0n goes void till this afternoon at 2:47 PM EDT, when she heads into Gemini to prepare for Thursday’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Gemini.
It’s a beautiful afternoon to begin releasing patterns of thought and feeling that disempower us and no longer serve us or the truth. This evening the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in Pisces inspiring us to invite waves of Grace, forgiveness and Divine Inspiration to wash through our minds, releasing falsehoods so only the sparkling liberating truth remains.
ARIES: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your fiscal/material sector, inspiring a great morning for taking financial or material actions that you are clear about. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for fiscal organizing and decluttering, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your sector of thought and communication, to nurture your mind with empowering patterns of thought. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to inspire gorgeous visions aligned with the Divine Will for you.
TAURUS: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your sector of self, inspiring a great morning for all forms of soulful, practical self care. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for reflecting on your feelings and needs, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your sector to nurture your mind with ideas that you are meant to manifest or monetize. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to inspire your most expansive, brilliant ideas to be created with your dream team or beloved community.
GEMINI: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your spiritual sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing your dreams with practical action. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for meditation and reflecting on your feelings about your dreams, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your sector to nurture you on all levels. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to awaken you to the gorgeous professional vision that is yours by Divine Design. It’s a great afternoon for vision mapping.
CANCER: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your social sector, inspiring a great morning for nurturing friendships and acting on networking desires. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for organizing your social plans, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your spiritual sector to nurture your mental and spiritual connection to Divine Source. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to inspire you to seek Divine Inspiration to inform your thoughts, feelings and dreams.
LEO: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your career sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing your professional goals. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for executive organizing, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your social sector to nurture your friendships and social life. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to nurture mergers and group efforts that align with your biggest and most beautiful dreams and visions.
VIRGO: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your philosophical sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing ideas beliefs and presentations that showcase them. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for organizing your ideas, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your career sector to nurture your best executive ideas and efforts. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to inspire your most expansive visions to be manifested with partners.
LIBRA: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring a great morning for advancing shared plans and efforts with beloved partners. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for organizing mergers, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your philosophical sector to nurture your mental and philosophical clarity and empowerment. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to nurture your biggest and most beautiful shared dreams.
SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your partnership sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing shared goals with partners. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for organizing joint efforts, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your sector of depths and mergers, to nurture your emotional empowerment and the deep collaboration. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to awaken your biggest and most beautiful creative mergers and collaborations.
SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your work and health sector, inspiring a great morning for attending to the details of work and At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for organizing work efforts, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your partnership sector to nurture a brilliant flow of ideas between you and partners. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to nurture your biggest dreams, vision and projects with partners.
CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your creative sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing creative projects while enjoying the process. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus, providing a couple of hours for organizing creative and recreational plans, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your work and health sector to nurture your best thinking that supports your success and well being. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to inspire your most expansive dreams and the logistics and organizational thinking that will achieve them.
AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your home and family sector, inspiring a great morning for constructive housekeeping. At 11:07 AM EDT, Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for organizing your home, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your sector of art and children to nurture your creative and recreational pursuits. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to nurture your capacity to live your dreams and manifest you visions.
PISCES: The Taurus Moon begins the day in your sector of mind, inspiring a great morning for acting on beautiful, constructive ideas. At 11:07 AM EDT Luna goes void in Taurus providing a couple of hours for organizing ideas and projects that showcase them, till 2:47 PM EDT, when she wings into Gemini and your home sector to nurture the soul of your family life. This evening, the Gemini Moon squares off with massive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces to nurture your big dreams that involve your home and family.