THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JUNE 1ST: This morning in the predawn hours at 2:14 AM EDT, the Aquarius Moon goes void till 5:07 AM EDT, when she glides into the soulful waters of Pisces, to nurture our pure presence and connection to Divine Source. At 8:04 AM EDT the Pisces Moon will dance into the arms of expansive Jupiter in spiritual Pisces on the shoreline of our consciousness. Together they will expand our visions as they nurture us with waves of Grace and cleansing, that nurture our compassion and our capacity for forgiveness. It’s a stellar day for prayer, meditation, vision quest and sending blessings into the world. It’s a perfect day to open to the Sacred Beauty within, as we dream bigger for ourselves and for our world.

ARIES: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your spiritual sector, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your dreams, visions and conscious connection to Source. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities for all that you are considering. Put your spiritual life first today and follow that Sacred Flow through the day.

TAURUS: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your social sector, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your most soulful friendships and social connections. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities for group efforts and beloved community that aligns with your expanding dreams.

GEMINI: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your career sector, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your professional vision and your capacity to achieve it. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace, to expand your dreams and possibilities for the visionary success that is flowing through your mind like an Aquamarine wave of growing size and beauty. Surf that wave!

CANCER: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your sector of wisdom, faith and understanding, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your growing dreams of all that you are committed to manifesting. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities for epic success as your faith and conscious contact with Source also increase today.

LEO: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your sector of depths and mergers at 5:07 AM EDT, to nurture your deepest levels of faith and the dreams that are awaiting retrieval from the depths of your soul. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities for mergers, collaboration and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. 

VIRGO: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your partnership sector, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your relationship to Divine Source and the earthly partnerships that align with your vision. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities for partnership that could be game changers. Dream Bigger with partners, Connect with Source.

LIBRA: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your sector of daily life and health, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your health, happiness and daily devotional practice. It’s a good day to let go and trust Source. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities at work, in a way that aligns with your vision for a daily life that feeds your soul.

SCORPIO: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your creative sector, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your inner artist and the creative visions you were born to manifest. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your creative dreams, possibilities and the risks you are willing to take to achieve your creative goals. The smart money would gamble on your talent today. 

SAGITTARIUS: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your home and family sector, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your connection to Source and how to bring your faith and spiritual practice into your family life. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities for your home life. Open to the expanding vision that is yours by Divine Design for you and your family.

CAPRICORN: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your sector of thought and communication, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your. Mind with spiritual insight and Divine visionary inspiration. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams, ideas and possibilities exponentially. Think and Dream Bigger! Open to your vision by Divine Design!

AQUARIUS: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your material sector, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture your capacity to manifest your fiscal and material vision. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your financial dreams and possibilities for a material life that nurtures you on many levels. Think and Dream bigger. Follow up with practical action!

PISCES: The waning Moon glides into visionary Pisces and your sector of self, at 5:07 AM EDT to nurture you and the dreams that utterly delight your soul. Luna begins her day in Jupiter’s mighty embrace to expand your dreams and possibilities for a life that excites and delights you. It’s a great day to dream up new locations and new vistas that are calling to you. Dream bigger!