THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JUNE 16TH: The gracious Moon is waxing through pristine, practical Virgo, where today she begins her day partnering with Jupiter in Pisces to expand our dreams and visions, while inspiring the practical increments of action required to achieve them. It’s a great day to let our imaginations run wild, dreaming up big beautiful possibilities, as we keep our hands busy with the skillful action that gets dreams built. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all continue their respective retrograde journeys calling us to rethink, revise, reimagine and review. Sometimes we must go backwards in order to ultimately advance toward our Sacred Visions by Divine Design.
ARIES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your work and health sector, nurturing your capacity to attend to the details of health, hygiene and success as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your dreams while keeping them grounded in reality. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on all in your personal and professional life that requires rethinking, revision and restructuring.
TAURUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your creative sector, nurturing your capacity to take practical action to advance your creative, romantic or recreational vision as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your vision while inspiring small actions to achieve it. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on reviewing and revising fiscal plans, career goals and mission statements and the beliefs that inform them.
GEMINI: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your home sector, nurturing your capacity to set your home in pristine beauty, order and cleanliness as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your vision for both home and career, while keeping you grounded in practical action to manifest your vision. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on ideas, beliefs, emotional patterns and projects that require review, revision or reversal.
CANCER: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of mind, nurturing your capacity for mental clarity and organizing your ideas as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your thinking about your dreams while keeping you focused on small actions to achieve them. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on your dreams, and the emotional patterns and mergers that require review, revision or reversal.
LEO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity for fiscal clarity as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your thinking about finances, mergers and crowd funding, while keeping you grounded in organizing your financial plans and attending to fiscal responsibilities. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on group efforts, attachment patterns and work habits that require review and revisions.
VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of self, nurturing your authentic self with the precise actions and practices that heal your body, mind and soul and work for you. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your thinking about your life and your dreams of partnership with those who share your vision and your spiritual calling. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on rethinking career goals, work habits and creative enterprises that require review, rethinking and revision.
LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, nurturing your capacity to act on the practical details of your dreams as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your thinking about your work and your daily life. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on domestic plans, creative collaborations and your social life, inspiring review, revision and reconnections that are required.
SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your social sector, nurturing your capacity to create a nurturing social life as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your creative dreams and visions while inspiring you to reach out for the practical support required to achieve them. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on patterns of thought, career goals and domestic matters that require review, revision or reversal.
SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to attend to the executive and professional details that add up to success. This morning Luna partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your thinking about home, family and ancestry. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on mental patterns, fiscal habits and partnership dynamics that require review, revision or re negotiation.
CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your publishing sector, nurturing your healthiest patterns of thought and beliefs grounded in truth as she goes. This morning Luna partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your thinking exponentially about your visions, while keeping you grounded in the practical actions and logistics to achieve them. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on your personal transformation, fiscal plans and your work life, where review, revision and further reconsideration is required.
AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your capacity for healthy deepening connection to your true desires and to those you love and trust as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your dreams and your ability to manifest or monetize them. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on your true commitments, your authentic dreams and your approach to creativity and self expression. Revisions may be required in each of these areas.
PISCES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to nurture and attend to the soul of your business and personal partnerships as she goes. This morning she partners with massive Jupiter in visionary Pisces, to expand your dreams for yourself and your partnerships. Meanwhile Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde, keep the reflective focus on family plans, group efforts and your overall vision, where some restructuring or revision is required.