THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY AUGUST 8TH: Today at 9:50 AM EDT, just hours after Sirius rises with our Sun, opening the energetic portal called the Lion’s Gate, the New Moon in fiery passionate Leo occurs, radiating new vibrant energy from this open portal. In addition to this New Moon alignment with Lion’s Gate opening, the date 8/8 is also significant with 8 being a number associated with Leo, and Sunday being the day of the week associated with the Sun, the planetary ruler of Leo. All of this Leo synchronicity points to an opening of the Universal Heart, blessing us with love and potent healing magnetism, illuminating the path of fierce courage and mighty love, available for each of us in an amplified way on this New Moon.

Leo rules the heart and spine calling us to live courageously and stand up for what we believe in. Leo calls us to follow our bliss which is always aligned with our passion. Leo rules children artists, performers, luminaries, leaders, celebrities, royals, and wild animals, inspiring us to nurture our inner child and inner artist as we connect with our courageous inner leader and our wild untamable hearts!

In the New Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Sun and Moon are traveling with Mercury the planet of thought and word, calling us to think with our hearts and act on creative ideas that could be creative gold. The Sun, Moon and Mercury are found in the social sector of the chart calling us into brilliant collaborations and heart centered friendships. The New Moon and Leo Sun are opposed by Saturn traveling retrograde in Aquarius, while Mercury is in an opposition with Jupiter also retrograde in Aquarius. These two oppositions are calling us into some weighty romantic or creative reconnections and reconsiderations that could be game changers. 

The DC chart is Virgo rising, calling us to the path of healing, clearing, nutritional health and organizing this New Moon. Both Venus and Mars, the lovers are also traveling through Virgo in the spiritual sector of the chart, indicating that our relationship patterns need healing attention if we are to fulfill our dreams of love and romance. Venus, the goddess of love has Divine Assistance on her healing journey provided by a working partnership with spiritual visionary Neptune, calling her and us to not sweat the details as we seek Higher Love and let go and let God.

Chiron the wounded healer is in Aries, in the partnership sector of the chart echoing the theme of healing within attachment patterns. Evolutionary Uranus shine liberating light into our depths as he squares off with both the New Moon and Saturn, indicating that a change of heart and mind is in the air as we awaken to new possibilities.

It’s a gorgeous day to write heart centered intentions after 9:50 AM EDT. Follow your beautiful heart through the day as you open to Universal Love. Join me this evening for a heart centered tele seminar to harness and further explore the beauty and power of this New Moon in Leo: 

ARIES: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your sector of love, art, romance and offspring where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire beautiful heart centered expression. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your sector inspiring an epic review of friendships and the creative romantic and collaborative possibilities within them. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your fiscal sector, inspiring romantic, creative and financial breakthroughs as you think and act with courage.

TAURUS: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your home and family sector where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire new loving ideas and heart centered expression. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your career sector, inspiring an epic review of your professional goals and how they affect your home life. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your sector of self, inspiring changes in home and career that stem from thel awakening of your authentic self.

GEMINI: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your sector of thought and communication where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire brilliant creative ideas and loving communication. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your sector philosophical sector, inspiring an epic review of beliefs, ideas and projects that are up for review and possibly reversal. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your spiritual sector, inspiring new enlightenment that changes your heart and mind.

CANCER: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your fiscal/material sector where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire you to manifest or monetize the vision that delights your heart. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring an epic review of your deepest commitments and all that you value most. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your social sector, inspiring big changes in your social life.

LEO: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your sector of self where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire you to rise and shine like the radiant star you are! The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your sector inspiring an epic review of creative romantic and collaborative ideas that nurture your beautiful heart and soul.  The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your career sector, inspiring the awakening of your authentic voice and golden ambitions. 

VIRGO: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your spiritual sector where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire your most enlightened thinking and your sacred creative vision. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your sector inspiring an epic review of the practical actions, teamwork, projects and habits required to manifest your vision. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your philosophical publishing sector, inspiring big changes in your thinking and how you present your views.

LIBRA: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your social sector where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire loving heart centered connections and brilliant collaborations. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your creative sector of art and children, inspiring an epic review of creative plans as you reconnect with your inner artist and inner child. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring new profitable ideas, that arise out of your awakening self worth.

SCORPIO: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your career sector where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire you to pursue the career and goals that ignite your true passion. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your home sector inspiring an epic review of family patterns and your domestic situation and how they affect your desired success.The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your partnership sector, inspiring big changes within relationships that could be game changers for home and career.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your philosophical publishing sector where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire brilliant ideas and heart centered expression. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your sector of mind inspiring an epic review of ideas, beliefs and communication patterns that are either binding or freeing your powers of expression. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your sector of work and healing, inspiring breakthroughs that lead to health wealth and success.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your sector of depths and mergers, where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury re awakening your deepest passion and your creative gold. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your fiscal sector inspiring an epic review of alliances that could spell golden success for all. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your creative sector, inspiring an awakening of your powers of invention and creative brilliance.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your partnership sector where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire beautiful heart centered thinking about love and partnership. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your sector of self, inspiring an epic review of your biggest ideas and most authentic commitments regarding relationships. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your home sector, inspiring changes on the home and family front that affect you and your most important relationships.

This morning at 9:50 AM EDT, the New Moon in Leo sheds her radiant nurturing Light into your sector of work and health where the Sun, New Moon and Mercury inspire brilliant thinking about your work, and golden healing of body, mind and spirit. The New Moon is opposed by Saturn retrograde while Mercury is opposed by Jupiter retrograde both in Aquarius in your spiritual sector inspiring an epic review of your shared dreams and visions with friends and community. The New Moon and Saturn are both squared by Uranus from your sector of mind, inspiring a change of mind and awakening to higher truths that affects how you build your dream.