THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JUNE 10TH: Blessings of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini to All! This morning at 6:53 AM EDT, brings the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Gemini, the sign of the twins, as Luna begins her new growing cycle. Every New Moon offers us the opportunity for new beginnings, while a New Moon that occurs with solar eclipse demands powerful changes along with new beginnings. This eclipse is calling us to literally change our minds.
Gemini, the sign of the twins, is the first astrological sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of thought and communication. The twins are a symbol, among other things of the bicameral mind and how our conscious and subconscious minds work together to frame and interpret our reality. Our conscious mind chooses our focus and through rational thought or learned ideas, determines what we believe to be true. Our subconscious mind will then go to work to achieve the conditions that align with our interpretation of reality. The subconscious is also conditioned through repetition. Things that we say or do over and over become automatic. We no longer have to think about them we simply do them by second nature. This is true of reading, writing, driving or any skill that is now done for the most part automatically. This New Moon calls us to re examine automatic ideas lurking in the shadows of our minds that may need some major updates, or reversals.
A solar eclipse, which can only happen on a New Moon, occurs when the light of the Sun, symbolic of consciousness is blotted out and we must explore what is occurring in the subconscious, the realm of the shadow. Today’s Eclipse is a total eclipse, lending it more power to reveal falsehoods, ideas and beliefs that require our renewed attention. Further more this eclipse is traveling within a degree of Mercury the ruler of Gemini, the planet of thought and communication who is currently retrograde.
The New Moon traveling so close to Mercury retrograde calls us quite literally on a stroll down memory lane, to see where we may have gotten mistaken ideas, beliefs and behaviors that are now thwarting our development. Take note of ideas, beliefs and conditions that were revealed in the lead up to the eclipse that need re examination or radical reversal. This eclipse reveals thought patterns that cause fear, constriction or discomfort, usually a sign that some where down the line we bought into a lie. The most potent lies to deconstruct are often the ones we tell ourselves about ourselves. Be on the lookout for habitual self talk that needs to change.
In the New Moon/Solar Eclipse chart, cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Sun, New Moon, Mercury retrograde and the North Node are found in the spiritual sector of the chart, calling us to seek Divine Guidance and Intelligence when re directing our thinking. We are called to tune our mental receivers to the Divine Frequencies, through prayer and meditation, that can correct falsehoods and straighten out our thinking.
Moreover the New Moon, Sun and Mercury are squaring off with spiritual Neptune, echoing the call to seek Divine Guidance and Vision to break the spell of delusion or media induced hypnosis. Divine Intelligence is always the author of peace rather than confusion. It’s a beautiful day to pray for inner peace and order to be established within.
Uranus is squaring off with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, in the New Moon chart assisting with breaking the spells of false ideas and beliefs that may be somatic or otherwise built into the structures of our lives. Be on the lookout for revelations or Aha! moments.
The DC chart is Cancer rising, with Venus in Cancer calling us to love our homes, and all that is beautiful in our ancestry and inheritance, even as Mars in Cancer faces off with Pluto in Capricorn calling us to release or transform ancestral patterns that no longer serve us.
Overall the eclipse is calling us to release the lies that bind us, as we seek the elevating heights where liberating truth resides.
Blessings to All as we seek the truth that sets us free!
With Love,
To learn more join my New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini tele seminar at my EVENTs page.
ARIES: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your sector of mind, calling you to new beginnings in the realm of thought, ideas, and communication. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of habitual patterns of thought that require review, release or re examination. The New Moon is squaring off with visionary Neptune in your spiritual sector, calling you to seek Divine Guidance as you reverse ideas, beliefs and even visions that are ripe for change.
TAURUS: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your fiscal sector, of values and possessions calling you to new beginnings in your relationship to finances, your body and the material world. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of ideas and beliefs about money, as you also review financial plans for soundness.The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your social sector, calling you to seek Divine Vision as you manifest or finance your professional vision.
GEMINI: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your sector of self, calling you to new beginnings regarding your sense of self and personal possibilities. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of ideas about yourself and stories you tell yourself that may need review, release or reversal. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your career sector, calling you to seek Divine Vision regarding career goals.
CANCER: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your spiritual sector, calling you to new beginnings regarding your thinking and how it relates to your spiritual life and your dreams. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of your dreams, visions and patterns of thought that require review, release or reversal. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your sector of belief, calling you to release self deception and embrace the liberation that comes from truth.
LEO: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your social sector, calling you to new beginnings regarding your social life, group projects and networking efforts. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of social patterns and ideas about group dynamics, and reconnection to friends. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your sector of depths, calling you to invite Divine Love into the depths of your soul to dissolve deeply held falsehoods that you are ready to be free of.
VIRGO: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your career sector, calling you to new beginnings regarding your career and your relationship to success. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of executive plans and patterns of thought regarding your career and success that are ready for a major update. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your partnership sector, calling you to review your vision for and with professional partners.
LIBRA: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your publishing sector, calling you to new beginnings regarding your beliefs and publishing projects. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of habitual or conditioned thinking that has crystalized into beliefs that require review, reversal or relief. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your sector of work and health calling you to explore your dreams and how your beliefs inform them.
SCORPIO: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your sector of depths, ancestry and mergers, calling you to new beginnings in your attachment patterns and in the depths of your soul. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of deeply held ideas, ancestral beliefs and emotional patterns that require review, revision reversal and empowering change. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your creative sector, calling you to reconnect with your inspired creative vision as you heal your inner child.
SAGITTARIUS: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your partnership sector, calling you to new beginnings within your committed relationships. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of ideas, beliefs and communication patterns that inform your partnerships. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your home sector, inspiring you to bring Divine Grace into your vision for home and partnership.
CAPRICORN: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your sector of work and health calling you to new beginnings within your daily work habits, routines and health practices. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of ideas, beliefs and habits that require review, release or reversal. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your sector of mind, inspiring a review of the logistics that will get your dreams manifested.
AQUARIUS: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your creative sector, calling you to new beginnings regarding your art, heart, offspring and your approach to self expression. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of your hearts true desires as you reconnect with your creativity and release ideas and beliefs that block your happiness. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your fiscal sector, inspiring tension between your creative/recreational dreams and how to finance, market or manifest them.
PISCES: This Morning at 6:53 AM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini, occurs in your home sector, calling you to new beginnings on the home front. The New Moon is traveling with Mercury retrograde, inspiring a review of ancestral or family ideas, beliefs and patterns of communication that it is time to review, reverse or release. The New Moon is squaring off with spiritual Neptune in your sector of self, inspiring creative tension between your personal dreams and where home and family figure in to them.