THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY MARCH 12TH: Grandmother Moon is gliding through the compassionate waters of Pisces, inspiring us to release the past and all that no longer serves us on this last day of the waning tide before tomorrow’s New Moon in the sign of the fish. It’s a gorgeous day for all forms of letting go as we clear the way for a new vision and a tide of healing and Grace that this New Moon will bring. Keep the focus on cleaning, decluttering and forgiveness once again today. Forgiveness if the ultimate cleanser and a powerful medicine. It can transmute even the most powerful inner toxins and can help us release our deepest pain. The Pisces Moon will be merging forces with gracious Venus tonight to help us take our love to a higher level, where compassion and forgiveness flow freely. Glide through the day like the Pisces Moon trailing streams of Grace and forgiveness in your loving wake. 

ARIES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector nurturing you with the Grace that sustains you as she goes. Today Luna helps you let go of the past and forgive yourself and others for all wrongs real or imagined. Tonight she merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, blessing you with waves of Divine Compassion and Higher Love that restore you to peace and connect you to the Source of all Love. Open to Grace that heals all wounds and provides all solutions.

TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your social sector nurturing your love of friends, community and co creating vision as she goes. It’s a gorgeous day to forgive friends and release group efforts that did not work out. Make way for better things by forgiving the past. Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, inspiring a Higher Love to attend all that you are dreaming up with beloved community and fellow visionaries.

GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your career sector nurturing your capacity to succeed at your inspired professional dreams. Today Luna helps you release dreams that no longer apply, along with any emotional blocks to your success, as she goes. Tonight the Pisces Moon merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, inspiring you to follow your professional bliss, as you open to the Divine Dream for your success.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your publishing sector of beliefs, nurturing your faith in the beauty and possibilities of your dreams and visions as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to release all that keeps you from your dreams as you forgive yourself for dreams that did not work out in the past. Tonight the Pisces Moon merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, to bless your mind with higher love, Divine Compassion and inspired vision. Follow your blissful dreams today.

LEO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing the deepest levels of your soul with waves of forgiveness, compassion and Grace. It’s a beautiful day to release your deepest sorrows and heartaches into the waning lunar tide. Luna will know just what to do with them. Tonight she merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, to bless your soul with waves of Higher Love and Inspired Vision. Receive that Grace and Love.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your partnership with Divine Grace, as she goes.Today your Divine Partner supports your healing within all relationships. Release old heartaches, disappointments and sorrows into the outgoing lunar tide.Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, blessing you and your partnerships with waves of compassion, forgiveness and Higher Love. 

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of work and health, nurturing your body, mind and spirit with waves of Grace as she wanes. It’s a beautiful day to release old sorrows, heartaches and actual clutter into the outgoing lunar tide. Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, to heal your capacity to love. It’s a beautiful day to love yourself and forgive yourself for all wrongs real or imagined. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your inner child with waves of compassion, love and Grace, as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to forgive yourself all the way back through childhood for things you wish you could have done differently. Surround your present day self and your younger self with waves of loving kindness and acceptance. Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, to heal your capacity to give and receive love freely. Open your heart to Divine Love. Practice receiving,

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector nurturing your ancestral roots and connection to home and family with the waters of compassion, forgiveness and Grace, as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to forgive your family for all wrongs real or imagined. Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, inspiring a Higher Love to bless your home and your relationship to your ancestors who are sending you love from heavenly realms today. Receive it.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of thought and communication, nurturing your mind with waves of compassion, forgiveness and Grace as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to forgive the past and release old heartaches and disappointments with waves of gratitude for lessons learned. Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, inspiring waves of mental bliss to bless your mind. Reflect on what you love. Nurture your mind with that.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector nurturing your capacity to manifest the beauty you imagine as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to release scarcity thinking and blocks to your prosperity into the waning lunar tide. Forgive yourself for any financial plans that did not work out the way you wanted. Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, reminding you of your inestimable worth and value. 

PISCES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of self nurturing and blessing you with waves of compassion, forgiveness and Grace, as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to forgive yourself for anything you wish you had done differently. Release old sorrows and heartaches into the waning lunar tide. Tonight Luna merges forces with beautiful Venus in Pisces, inspiring you to be loving and kind to yourself. Bless yourself with loving compassion as you release the past.