THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY OCTOBER 30TH: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours at 3:05 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning and early afternoon for heart centered reflection and creative puttering. It’s a lovely morning to banish pride and open to the love that heals all, endures all and conquers all. At 2:09 PM EDT Luna glides into Virgo with her organic cleaning products and herbal remedies in hand, ready to help us set our lives in pristine orders and cultivate radiant health. Join Luna in some fall cleaning and organizing today.

Meanwhile as Luna travels void, this morning at 10:21 AM EDT Mars leaves Libra and heads into the crystal caves of Scorpio, to help us explore and transform our emotional patterns, for weeks to come. Mars will be using his considerable muscle to assist us with mergers, detective work and unearthing our deepest desires as he travels through the sign of ancestors, death, rebirth, mergers, intimacy and transformation. Mars will be traveling through the Scorpio underworld fighting our inner dragons and helping expose worldly corruption through December 13th. Till then use your energy to dive deep and make needed inner and outer changes. Release the past. Embrace the present. Work with a gorgeous future in mind.

ARIES: The Leo Moon goes void in your sector of art and romance in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a morning and early afternoon of creative puttering and musing, regarding affairs of the heart. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your health and organizational matters. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars, your ruling planet, heads into Scorpio and your sector of intimacy, depths and merger till mid December. Mars will be fueling your at efforts deep healing, mergers and making empowering changes.

TAURUS: The Leo Moon goes void in your home sector in the pre dawn hours inspiring a morning and early afternoon of nesting, resting and domestic recreation. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your need for recreational happiness and practical creative expression. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your partnership sector till mid December, awakening your desire for deep, meaningful and profitable relationships and the capacity to act on them for weeks to come.

GEMINI: The Leo Moon goes void in your sector of mind in the pre dawn hours inspiring a quiet reflective morning and early afternoon of exploring ideas and desires. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your capacity to set your home in pristine order. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your sector of work and health till mid December. Mars will be fueling your transformational success at work and your capacity for deep healing for weeks to come.

CANCER: The Leo Moon goes void in your fiscal sector in the pre dawn hours inspiring a morning and early afternoon of reflecting on your fiscal needs as you organize your finances. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your analytical intelligence. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your creative sector till mid December, fueling your romantic and creative desires and your capacity to act on both with power and passion.

LEO: The Leo Moon goes void in your sector of self in the pre dawn hours inspiring a morning and early afternoon of reflection, nesting and soulful self care. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your capacity to organize your financial life. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your home sector till mid December, providing you with plenty of energy to devote to domestic matters. It’s time to transform your home.

VIRGO: The Leo Moon goes void in your spiritual sector in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a lovely morning and early afternoon for prayer, meditation and reflection. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture you on all levels, inspiring some gentle self care. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your sector of thought and communication till mid December, fueling your most empowering thinking and your capacity to assert yourself and act on your best ideas.

LIBRA: The Leo Moon goes void in your social sector in the pre dawn hours inspiring a good morning and early afternoon for reflection, regarding friendships and social needs. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your spiritual life, inspiring practical acts of service. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your fiscal/material sector till mid December, to nurture your relationship to prosperity and material comfort.

SCORPIO: The Leo Moon goes void in your career sector in the pre dawn hours inspiring a great morning and early afternoon reflection on your goals for success. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your social life, inspiring you to reach out to loving, helpful friends. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your sector of self till mid December, providing you with plenty of energy, power and passion, with which to pursue your desires and your empowering bliss.

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon goes void in your publishing sector in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for creative musing. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture the details of your professional success. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your spiritual sector till mid December. Put your spiritual life first during this time, and all else will fall into place.

CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon goes void in your sector of emotional depths in the pre dawn hours inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for deep inner reflection and being present to your feelings. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your higher intelligence. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your social sector till mid December. Mars will be fueling your networking efforts, friendships and creative collaborations for weeks to come.

AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon goes void in your partnership sector in the pre dawn hours inspiring a good morning and early afternoon for reflecting on your feelings and needs regarding partnership. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture your deep inner well being. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your career sector till mid December, providing you with plenty of energy to devote to professional success for weeks to come.

PISCES: The Leo Moon goes void in your work and health sector in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a good morning and early afternoon for reflection, organizing and going with the flow as you attend to the little things. At 2:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into pristine Virgo to nurture the logistics of partnerships. Meanwhile at 10:21 AM EDT, Mars heads into Scorpio and your philosophical sector till mid December. Mars will be providing you with plenty of energy to advance empowering ideas and projects as you update beliefs.