THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY NOVEMBER 13TH: The Pisces Moon is waxing through the day, trailing streams of Grace and Blessings as she goes. Today Luna merges forces with Spiritual Neptune, inspiring us to nurture our relationship to the Sacred Source of our being, remembering that we are one with that Source and all of creation. Luna ends her day harmonizing with the Scorpio Sun, inspiring us to deepen with ourselves, those we love and most of all with the Divine Spirit that creates and sustains the Universe.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune to nurture your soul and your Divinely Inspired dreams. It’s a beautiful day for prayer and cultivating stillness. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to assist you in deepening with Source and with those you love and trust.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your social sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune to nurture your dreams of spiritually like minded community. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to nurture your deepest relationships and alliances. Dare to be vulnerable with those you love.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your career sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune to nurture your dreams of long term happiness and inspired success. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to nurture your deepest happiness and success. It’s a perfect day to deepen with those you love.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your philosophical sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune to deepen your faith and awaken you to your most inspired dreams. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun inspiring you to act on your creative vision. Follow your bliss throughout the day.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, where today she merges forces with Neptune to deepen your spiritual awakening. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to nurture your dreams for your home life. It’s a stellar day to advance your domestic vision.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune, to nurture your most inspired dreams to share with partners. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun, inspiring you to share your feelings, heart and mind with those you love and trust. Advance powerful, inspired shared ideas.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your work and health sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune to nurture your spiritual enlightenment and physical health. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to nurture your vision for health, wealth and happiness.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune to nurture your most inspired creative vision. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun inspiring you to act on creative inspiration that nurtures your soul. It’s a stellar day to spend with your inner artist.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your home sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune nurture the roots of your Grace, and your capacity for visionary action at home. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to nurture your relationship to your angels, ancestors and the Source of your being…which is with you.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your sector of mind, where today she merges forces with Neptune, inspiring waves of vision to baptize your imagination and awaken your dreams.  Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to nurture the alliances that will see your dreams made manifest. 

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your material sector, where today she merges forces with Neptune to nurture your most inspired visions for both your spiritual and material life. Later today the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to deepen your capacity for long term success. Act on inspired goals today, while enjoying your current success.

The Pisces Moon is waxing through your sector of self, where today she merges forces with oceanic Neptune, inspiring you to ride waves of inspiration to the shore of manifestation throughout the day. Later this evening, the Pisces Moon harmonizes with the Scorpio Sun to nurture your most empowering plans and ideas. Act on them.