THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20TH: The Gemini Moon is gliding through the day getting underway in her waning journey after yesterday’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Luna is nurturing our intelligence and capacity for rational thought that will help us discern what patterns we want to consciously work on post eclipse.

It’s a beautiful day to meditate and consciously elevate our consciousness. Commit to mental detachment and discernment even as you explore deep feelings and patterns. Today Luna nurtures our capacity to cultivate our mental observer, who can stand outside the inner fray and direct our attention productively. Watch your thoughts and reactions today. Redirect them as needed.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of mind, nurturing your intelligence and discernment as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to maintain a healthy detachment as you explore deep feelings and emotional patterns illuminated by the recent eclipse, that require updating. 

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your favorite and most profitable ideas, and your capacity to act on them. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to explore the ideas you intend to advance with business and personal partners. It’s a beautiful day to intelligently deepen with those you trust.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of self, nurturing your mind, heart and soul as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to explore your feelings and needs as you seek healing for any patterns that arose in the lead up to yesterday’s eclipse. Use your legendary intelligence to determine what requires your healing attention.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, nurturing your capacity to direct your consciousness upward to Heaven as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to explore your creativity and anything that might be blocking your inner artist or oppressing your inner child. It’s a stellar day to reclaim your creative power and follow your heart.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your capacity to attend to a number of friendships and relationships as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to share deeply with trusted friends as you seek support with domestic changes you are interested in making. It’s a stellar day to commit to your empowerment on many fronts.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your career sector, nurturing your executive intelligence as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to confer with your executive intelligence as you explore ideas that could lead to success and release mental patterns that thwart your success.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your travel sector of higher learning, nurturing your highest intelligence and philosophical curiosity as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to maintain intellectual discernment, as you explore your deepest feelings, needs and the values inform your most soulful commitments.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your capacity to remain detached as you deal with your deepest feelings and needs. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to explore mergers that align with your authentic self. It is also a stellar day to dive deep and make empowering changes that lead to transformation.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to share feelings and ideas with trusted partners as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to act on Divine Inspiration that comes in prayer, meditation or meaningful coincidence. Follow your bliss and the dreams that align with your bliss. Practical action is key.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of work and health, nurturing your mental health and physical wellbeing as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to explore a variety of practices that support your well being. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring an excellent day to seek friendly support as you nurture your health and happiness. 

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your creative and romantic sector, nurturing your creativity and recreational needs as she goes. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to consult with your heart and mind as you reflect on long term goals and enjoy your place in the world. Commit to your heart’s definition of success today.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your relationship to home and family as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to nurture family relationships. Today Luna confers with a number of planets, inspiring you to share ideas and beliefs with your family, as you enjoy making powerful changes that benefit your home life.