THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6TH: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through the day, with a smile on her face and a song in her heart. Today she is singing mostly about gratitude as she travels down new byways, enjoying beautiful scenery. Luna meets up with Saturn in Aquarius to inspire us to explore liberating ideas and goals we can commit to. Luna also confers with Uranus, inspiring us to explore profitable and beautiful new possibilities. It’s a stellar day to open our minds and travel through the day like Luna with a heart full of gratitude.

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your love of travel, adventure and higher wisdom as she goes. Today she meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to make time for the friends you are committed to. Delight in your journey through this day. May love and beauty find you!

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your deepest sense of wisdom, adventure and your love of deep sharing as she goes. Today she meets up with  Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to explore professional mergers that align with your deepest philosophical core. Share your mind with others.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your love of travel, adventure and exploration with partners as she goes. Today Luna meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to share ideas and goals you can commit to with partners. It’s a great day to share your mind and heart.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your desire to explore new health and fitness practices as she goes. Today she meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to explore how to set yourself free from outworn emotional patterns. It’s a stellar day to enjoy and cultivate your mental and physical freedom.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your love of creative exploration as she goes. Today she meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to explore creative and philosophical collaborations. It’s a gorgeous day to enjoy yourself and express yourself. Follow your heart through the day.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your love of home, family and your roots as she goes. Today she meets up with  Saturn, inspiring you to explore new ways of organizing your home life. It’s a stellar day for domestic adventure.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your love of ideas, exploration and new vistas as she goes. Today Luna meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to enjoy creative collaborations with friends and allies. It’s a stellar day for playful fun and creativity.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your generosity and a fertile relationship to prosperity, as she goes. Today Luna meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to commit to the prosperity that will support your domestic bliss. It’s a beautiful day to think bigger.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your generous, adventurous soul as she goes. It’s a stellar day for all forms of self care. Today Luna meets up with  Saturn, inspiring you to explore ideas and intellectual projects you are committed to.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your dreams of adventure and expansive wisdom as she goes. Today Luna meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to explore dreams and visions that could be profitable. Think big and outside the box.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your love of friendship, community and social exploration as she goes. Today Luna meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to crystalize the goals you are committed to with friends you are committed to.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, nurturing your sense of adventure in the pursuit of success as she goes. Today Luna meets up with Saturn, inspiring you to commit to the soulful community with whom you would most love to succeed.