THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY DECEMBER 12TH: The Aries Moon is striding through the day nurturing our energy levels and our capacity to take initiative to achieve our goals and manifest our visions. Luna will be harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius today, inspiring us to act on our authentic goals and commitments. It is also a stellar day to free ourselves from falsehoods that bind us and goals that no longer apply. Release all that, and resolutely turn your attention to projects, conditions and relationships you are committed to. Take your power by taking right action this very day.

The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of self, nurturing your soul and your need to checkin with your feelings, needs and desires as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to act on authentic social commitments. It’s a stellar day to nurture beloved friendships and advance collaborations you are committed to.

The Aries Moon is sitting in meditation in your spiritual sector, nurturing your spiritual discipline and the wisdom and power it awakens within you. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to connect with spiritually like minded allies with whom you would love achieve authentic, visionary success.

The Aries Moon is striding through your social sector, nurturing your beloved friendships, community and collaborations that excite and delight you.Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to flock with your friends of a common philosophical feather. It’s a great day to attend lectures, workshops or classes with allies.

The Aries Moon is striding through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to achieve success by taking consistent action toward your goals this very day. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to liberate yourself from deeply entrenched emotional patterns that have stood in the way of pleasurable, profitable connections and mergers that support your goals for success.

The Aries Moon is striding through your publishing sector, inspiring you to act on your best ideas, presentations and proposals. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to act to nurture partnerships and alliances that you are committed to. Align yourself with truth, and advance through the day.

The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your capacity to act on your deepest desires and nurture the relationships that align with them. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to act on new mergers and work alliances with liberty and profit for all.

The Aries Moon is striding through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to nurture your most beloved relationships as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to act on your creative comittments. Commit to your bliss today. Make art, have fun, enjoy your life!

The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of work, health and hygiene, nurturing your capacity to set your life in order and foster new success. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to commit to domestic order and the habits that set your home and your life in order.

The Aries Moon is striding through your creative sector, nurturing your capacity to take brave, daring action to advance your art and creative projects. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to commit to your unique brilliance and the ideas you intend to complete. 

The Aries Moon is striding through your home sector, inspiring you to set your life in order on many levels. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to commit to creative prosperity that will allow you to manifest your domestic visions. It’s a beautiful day to have friends over and co create brilliant ideas…or just enjoy each others company.

The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of thought and communication, inspiring you to advance or present your best ideas. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to crystalize and advance the ideas and strategies that align with your true commitment to yourself. 

The Aries Moon is striding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity to act on your financial goals and manifest the material reality that you desire. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to act on the dreams you are committed to. Create a financial plan that supports your dream. What will it cost?