THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY DECEMBER 18TH: Blessings of the Full Moon in Gemini to All! Luna spends her day gliding through various altitudes of consciousness on her way to the Full Moon, which occurs late tonight at 11:36 PM EST. The Gemini Moon, lie her ruler, Mercury has a greater range of consciousness than any other sign of the zodiac. Today Luna is shedding maximum light into the depths of our subconscious emotional patters, the heights of our most elevated Consiousness and everything in between. It’s a perfect day to meditate, elevate and seek Light on any issue that requires insight and liberation.

During any Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in exact opposition, facing off to exchange and balance energies. Today the Sagittarius Sun is illuminating our higher minds and true or false beliefs that we need to be made aware of and how they support or thwart our success and well being. The Gemini Moon is shedding her Full light within this cycle ( that began with a total Solar Eclipse on the New Moon) on our mental and emotional patterns as well as ideas and communication projects that are blossoming at this Full Moon.

In esoteric studies, it is posited that everything begins with the mind. Our mind is the framer of our reality anode our personal constitution. What we habitually determine to be true about ourselves, our world and circumstances or Reality, inevitably crystalizes into subconscious patterns and beliefs some of which are false. This Full Moon offers us a beautiful opportunity to release false beliefs by shining the light of Truth upon and emotional patterns, ideas or beliefs that keep us bound.

In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the chart is Virgo rising, calling us to the path of analytical discernment. This ascendant can help us determine truth from falsehood within our habitual thinking and belief systems. The Gemini Moon is found in the career sector, and the Sagittarius Sun is found in the home sector calling us to explore how family and ancestral beliefs have supported or thwarted our capacity to succeed.

This pattern also calls us to advance professional ideas and domestic desires.

The Sun and Full Moon are both squared by Spiritual Neptune, the planet of Higher Love and vision, calling us to reach upward for spiritual Guidance and Vision to inform our thinking and feeling. The shadowy side of Neptune is deception, and delusion, which can be avoided with meditation and prayers for discernment. 

Massive Jupiter in Aquarius is supporting us to elevate, liberate and expander thinking.

The Moon’s north node is in Gemini in the sector of belief calling us to explore data and facts with some intellectual detachment as we advance our best ideas and seek truth. The Sagittarius Sun in the home sector is calling us to explore ancestral beliefs and narratives. It’s a perfect Full Moon to celebrate family history and ancestral beliefs aligned with truth as we jettison survival beliefs that may one have held truth but are now binding.

Mercury, the ruler of the Gemini Moon is in Capricorn, in the home sector of the chart, calling our minds into our executive suite as we set our lives and homes in order. Pluto and lovely Venus, who will station retrograde tomorrow are both in Capricorn, in the creative sector, calling us to take our creative power and deploy it towards projects we are committed to. Saturn in Aquarius is also in this sector, inspiring creative freedom and brilliant collaborations. Uranus the liberator is in the deepest sector in Taurus helping to free us from crystalized falsehoods that it is time to awaken from. 

It’s a beautiful Full Moon to break the spell of false conditioning and awaken to a new freedom and a new happiness. May the Higher Truth set us all free, so we may shine with unimpeded brilliance. 

With Love, Demitra

To register for my Full Moon tele seminar tomorrow, click here:

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of mind, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your mind and the native brilliance within it. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your philosophical sector who is spotlighting your best ideas, which are blossoming by the light of the Full Moon. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune, inviting you to see Divine Guidance as you explore ideas, beliefs projects and your cresting dreams.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your best ideas to be manifested, marketed or embodied. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your sector of depths and mergers, who is spotlighting your increasingly transformed empowered belief system and mergers that align with it. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune inspiring you to manifest your Heavenly Vision.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of self, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your feelings, needs and the patterns of thought that inform them. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your partnership sector who is spotlighting your relationships and the philosophy behind them or publishing projects within them. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune inspiring. You to act on your professional or long term dreams with partners.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your dreams, visions, patterns of thought and how to align them with Divine Intelligence. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your work and health sector who is spotlighting your increasingly refined beliefs and how to embody and express them. The Sun and Moon are both squared by Spiritual Neptune, who inspires you to act on your ideas and dreams with renewed faith.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your social sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your  soulful nurturing social life and collaborations that are blossoming today. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your creative sector who is spotlighting brilliant and inspired collaborations. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune who is on hand to inspire your creative vision and blossoming mergers and collaborations.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your career sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your  most brilliant professional ideas that are unfolding as the Moon waxes to fullness. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your home sector who is spotlighting expansive possibilities at home that inform your success. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune who inspires partnerships that can support both professional success and your home base.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your philosophical sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your beliefs, publishing ideas and most adventurous thinking  The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your sector of mind who is spotlighting your mind and revealed truth within it. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune to nurture your vision for your blossoming ideas.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your sector of depths and mergers, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your deepest emotional patterns that are transforming by the light of the Full Moon. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your fiscal sector who is spotlighting your best and most profitable ideas that it is time to act on. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune in your creative sector, who is awakening the creative vision it is time to manifest.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your blossoming business and personal partnerships today. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your sector of self, who is spotlighting you, your talents, charisma and gifts that it is time to share. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune awakening your  domestic dreams that it is time to enjoy with your partner.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your increasingly practical, refined thinking and ideas to be acted on today. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your spiritual sector who is spotlighting your expanding, generous dreams, The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune who awakens your visionary brilliance that it’s a great day to act on.

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your creative sector of art and romance, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your heart’s desire for fun, love and joyful recreation. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your social sector who is spotlighting your friendships and fun collaborations. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune who is calling you to start manifesting or building your material vision.  

The Gemini Moon is gliding through your home sector, where she will be Full tonight at 11:38 PM EST. The Full Moon is shedding Light on your blossoming home life and shared ideas or enterprises with family. The Gemini Moon is illuminated by the Sagittarius Sun, from your career sector who is spotlighting your path to golden success. The Sun and Moon are both squared by spiritual Neptune reminding you to pursue domestic and professional visions that align with your bliss.