THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY AUGUST 17TH: The Capricorn Moon continues to nurture our executive intelligence, our sense of duty and our capacity to attend, in a beautiful way, to our most soulful responsibilities. Today, Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inviting us to explore breakthroughs in technology, in our thinking, in our consciousness and in achieving our goals. It’s a stellar day to get free of what is not truly ours to carry, to lighten our load, and devote ourselves wholeheartedly to our true visions and our true calling. At 4:43 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:45 PM when she glides into Aquarius and has an immediate merger with Pluto at 6:13 PM. It’s a stellar night for new freedom, and empowering quantum leaps.

ARIES: The Capricorn Moon continues her glide through your executive suite again today, inviting you to take the reins and be the boss of your life. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inviting you to think way outside the box, when it comes to administrative executive matters. Luna goes void from 4:43 PM till 5:45 PM when she heads into Aquarius, to nurture your social life and the power of friendship, community and alliances to move mountains.

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon keeps the focus on your most brilliant ideas, projects, and presentations again today, inviting you to think way outside the box when it comes to what you’re capable of presenting to, and for, the world. Luna will go void at 4:43 PM EDT, till 5:45 PM EDT when she heads into Aquarius in your career sector where she joins up with Pluto, to nurture your power to succeed way beyond the usual borders.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon keeps the focus on your deep inner empowerment, and harmonizes with Uranus today to free you from outworn emotional patterns that you’re ready to release. At 4:43 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 5:45 PM when she heads into Aquarius in your travel and publishing sector, joins up with Pluto, and inspires an evening of social empowerment and transformational connection with allies and friends.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon keeps the focus on your most important relationships. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inviting you to be free of relationship patterns that you’re ready to evolve out of. At 4:43 PM EDT the Capricorn Moon goes void till 5:45 PM when she heads into Aquarius in your deepest sector and joins up with Pluto to nurture your power to transform attachment patterns at the deepest levels. It’s a gorgeous night for authentic connection and a new deep new freedom of expression.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon keeps the focus on your powers of organization, your capacity to focus and declutter your environment to foster success. Today, Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, to help you break out of old ruts and habits that no longer serve you. At 4:43 PM EDT the Capricorn Moon goes void till 5:45 PM EDT when she heads into Aquarius and your partnership sector, to nurture brilliant breakthroughs within relationships and attachment patterns. It’s time for empowering authentic new dynamics.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon keeps the disciplined focus on your creativity again today. She harmonizes with liberating Uranus to help you with creative breakthroughs and romantic ones as well. At 4:43 PM EDT she goes void till 5:45 PM when she heads into Aquarius and merges with Pluto, to nurture your health, happiness and empowerment which this evening is nurtured by group efforts. Enjoy some support when it comes to achieving small goals.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon keeps the disciplined focus on your home sector again today, inviting you to set your house in order on many levels. Today Luna harmonizes with Uranus, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your thinking about home and family. At 4:43 PM RDT, Luna goes void till 5:45 PM EDT when she heads into Aquarius, inviting you to enjoy your social life and the friendships that float your boat, and support your empowerment and happiness.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon continues to nurture your executive intelligence, and your power to focus. Today she harmonizes with Uranus, inviting brilliant mental breakthroughs that could lead to new success in uncharted waters. At 4:43 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:45 PM EDT, when she heads into Aquarius and joins up with Pluto in your home sector, to nurture brilliant empowering breakthroughs at home.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon keeps the focus on your finances, your material life, and your values, inspiring a stellar day for some brilliant innovative breakthroughs that could lead to new prosperity. At 4:43 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:45 PM, when she heads into Aquarius, and joins up with Pluto, to nurture brilliant breakthroughs in your mind, and in your freedom of expression. it’s a great night for writing and self expression.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon keeps the focus on you, and your need for beautiful levels of self-care, self reassurance, and self acceptance. Today Luna harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of freedom, to nurture brilliant breakthroughs in your thinking, in your emotional life and in your approach to self-care. At 4:43 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:45 PM, when she heads into Aquarius and joins up with Pluto to transform your thinking about finances possessions and what will ultimately take care of you.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual life and the dreams and visions you are committed to. Today she harmonizes with Uranus, to get you thinking way outside the box about long-term goals and possibilities. At 4:43 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 5:45 PM, when she heads into your sign Aquarius, and joins up with Pluto, to nurture a deep level of empowerment and transformation in your soul.

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon keeps on your social and networking efforts again today, inviting you to network way outside the box. It’s a stellar day for new social possibilities. At 4:43 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:45 PM, when she heads into Aquarius to nurture your spiritual life, which tonight may involve connecting with beautiful souls who are on your wavelength and gliding toward, a vision that aligns with yours.