THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY AUGUST 24TH: The Taurus Moon is gliding through the day, inviting us to get grounded and enjoy the beauty of life, constructive activities, and simple pleasures. It’s a gorgeous day to spend some time in nature appreciating the beauty, abundance and prosperity that are constantly growing and blossoming around us.

ARIES: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your financial material sector, inviting you to enjoy your senses today and spend some time and money on what delights you. It’s a gorgeous day to cultivate and plan for prosperity.

TAURUS: The Taurus Moon is surrounding you with her nurturing light today, inviting you to enjoy some self-care that includes taking care of your body, mind and spirit. It’s a perfect day to spend in nature, enjoying beauty and how it nurtures your senses, calms your mind and delights your body.

GEMINI: The Taurus Moon is meditating in your inner ashram, inviting you to join her today. It’s a beautiful day to get quiet, grounded and spend some time in nature, cultivating peace and enjoying beauty. It’s also a beautiful day to work on building your dreams.

CANCER: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your social sector, inviting you to build your friendships today and your overall social network. It’s a perfect day to enjoy spending with the friends you value most, enjoying the beauty of late summer.

LEO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your career sector today, nurturing your capacity to be patient and diligent, as you build your professional success. It’s a stellar day to succeed like a farmer. Plant seeds, tend to your crops, and harvest what has already grown.

VIRGO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your publishing sector of the higher mind, inviting you to cultivate your intuition and your deep understanding of higher truths. It’s also a gorgeous day to listen for guidance as you advance ideas, projects, and presentations.

LIBRA: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, nurturing your roots and your deep emotional security and stability. It’s a beautiful day to practice being grounded like an oak tree. The wind may blow, but if your roots are deep enough, you have nothing to fear.

SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your partnership sector today, inviting you to connect with partners and nurture the beautiful exchange within your relationships. It’s a beautiful day to advance shared visions, and shared constructive activities.

SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, making this a lovely day to cultivate your well-being and advance constructive projects. Take time to enjoy your life today, even if you are working take time to smell the roses. Take some breaks to enjoy the beauty and pleasure of life.

CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your creative/recreational sector, nurturing your capacity to enjoy yourself and create beauty. Today let nature be your muse. She is a flawless guide when it comes to building, sustaining, creating staggering beauty and ceaseless abundance.

AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your home sector today, inviting you into a lovely day for enjoying domestic peace, beauty and bliss. It’s a great day to make yourself comfy, or if you’re feeling motivated, enjoy some constructive domestic activities with family, friends or solo.

PISCES: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your mind today, nurturing fertile, constructive and beautiful ideas. Act on them! If you need inspiration, get out into nature. She will show you how to build, plant, grow and sustain, amazing amounts of beauty in both large scale and exquisite detail.