ARIES: The Sagittarius Sun, and Leo Moon harmonize at dawn this morning, inspiring you to pursue your bliss and all that ignites the flame in your heart today daring Aries! The Sagittarius Sun and Leo Moon, both in fire signs harmonize with your Sun in Aries, reminding you that life is a daring adventure or nothing at all. Today the daring, heart centered, creative, brilliant adventure awaits you! Express yourself! Live fully, with a generous, courageous heart.
TAURUS: The Sagittarius Sun, and Leo Moon harmonize today to kindle your deepest passions, and your need for a loving, warm, creative home life. Sometimes the big adventure is right at home, and in the depths of your soul, like today. It’s a stellar day to advance, creative mergers, that could be game changers, philosophically and financially.
GEMINI: The Sagittarius Sun, and Leo Moon harmonize at dawn this morning, to nurture a sense of adventure in your mind, your heart, and especially within relationships that call to you. It’s a beautiful day for a road trip with partners, or for exploring beautiful, exotic, shared goals, ideas and profitable enterprises. Think big! Think beautiful, and think with a generous heart. Allow these thoughts to inform what you say and how you say it.
CANCER: The Sagittarius, Sun, and Leo Moon harmonize at dawn, to kindle the flame of passion for your daily life, and for all that you want to create and manifest. It’s a stellar day to harness your passion, and use it to take practical steps to advance creative efforts. Small adventurous steps, lead to big things, and win the day.
LEO: The Sagittarius, Sun and Leo Moon, have a rendezvous at Dawn to nurture your creative and romantic passion, while stoking the flame of love in your beautiful, legendary heart, mighty Leo. It’s a stellar day for your inner artist and inner lover. Make time for both today. Radiate your power, beauty and passion! The world needs your light and love!
VIRGO: The Sagittarius Sun, and Leo Moon harmonize at dawn today, to nurture the spiritual flame in your heart, and the flame of love and warmth in your hearth and home. Tend both of these flames today. Nurture your spiritual connection, and nurture the beauty and love in your home and family life. It’s really all one flame, the flame of Divine Love. May it burn brightly and illuminate your beautiful path today and every step you take.
LIBRA: The Sagittarius, Sun, and Leo Moon, have a rendezvous at dawn to nurture the love and passion in your creative life and your social life. Combine them today. It’s a perfect day for creative collaborations, and you are one to collaborate, beautiful Libra! Partnerships are calling, beauty awaits you… Answer the call.
SCORPIO: The Sagittarius, Sun, and Leo Moon, have a rendezvous at dawn to nurture your creative brilliance and your financial prosperity. It’s a beautiful day to pursue both. Take actions that advance creative, brilliant, success, and could lead to new streams of income. It’s a stellar day to market or manifest your creative gold.
SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Sun is illuminating you, and your path toward generosity, prosperity, and ceaseless gratitude this morning. This morning he has a rendezvous with beautiful Venus in passionate Leo to kindle the flame of your creative talent and your native brilliance.This is not a day to hide your light under a bushel Sagittarius. This is a day to be the living flame of passion, talent, and creativity that you are!
CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Sun is illuminating the path to your creative and spiritual bliss. Meanwhile, the Leo moon is shining her light in the depths of your soul, illuminating veins of precious gold and silver, representative of your talent and your brilliance. It’s a stellar day to advance creative projects, that connect you to your bliss. Be the artist you want to see in the world. Dare to love! Dare to live! Dare to create! Live with courage dear heart.
AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Sunn, and Leo Moon are holding a rendezvous at dawn to kindle the flame of your passion and desire for adventure, especially when it comes to love and partnership, brilliant Aquarius. You are a sign known for detachment, but today is a day to explore your desire for attachments at the heart center. Connect with your passion! Connect with your creativity! Connect with what lights you up, and pursue that today.
PISCES: The Sagittarius Sun, and Leo Moon are having a rendezvous at dawn to merge their light and kindle, the flame of your creative brilliance and your most adventurous ambitions. It’s a gorgeous day to explore the goals that delight your heart. It’s a fantastic day to define success in a way that also delights your heart. Then get to work and begin building what brings the joy, the creativity, and the success that you have imagined.