ARIES: The Libra Moon glides into your partnership, sector, bright, and early today, making this an extended Valentine’s weekend for you. It’s a gorgeous day with Venus in Aries, partnering with the Libra Moon, to delight in courtship, romance, and all that will nurture the sweet love and harmony in your life.
TAURUS: The Moon glides into gorgeous Libra this morning, in your sector of work and health, making beauty the work of the day. It’s a perfect day to attend to nurturing the balance of mind-body and spirit as you also attend to fairness, reciprocity and love within all your relationships.
GEMINI: The Libra Moon is nurturing your most beautiful ideas, creative activities, and romantic pursuits today, making this an extended Valentine’s weekend. Delight in beauty, love and wholesome pleasure. It’s a stellar day to create beauty as you follow your creative bliss.
CANCER: The Libra Moon is gliding through your home sector, inviting you to make your home a beautiful environment in which love, beauty, fairness, and reciprocity can thrive. Beauty is a conduit that love travels on. Beautify your nest so love can joyfully find its way there.
LEO: The lovely Libra Moon heads into your sector of mind today, bright and early, inviting you to continue with Valentine celebrations this weekend. Be the messenger of love in all that you think create, speak and do. Today love is pouring through your mind and speaking from your silver tongue.
VIRGO: The Libra Moon heads into your fiscal sector bright, and early today, inviting you to spend some money on beauty and what nurtures your sense of balance and peace. It’s also a beautiful day to invest in partnerships that could grow a gorgeous crop of beauty and abundance.
LIBRA: The Libra Moon is with you today inviting you to carry the baton of Valentine’s Day into the weekend, and keep the spirit of gorgeous love alive. It’s a perfect day for you to make time for beloved partners. Adorn yourself, adorn your life, and be an agent of harmony, love, and fairness.
SCORPIO: The Libra Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector today, inviting you to meditate, do yoga or martial arts, and generally cultivate the beauty that comes from graceful discipline, strength, power, and conscious balance. It’s a beautiful day to connect with your spiritual inner warrior who remains balanced or returns to balance under all circumstances.
SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon is gliding through your friendship sector, inviting you to reach out far and wide and enjoy creative collaborations, and beautiful interactions with those you love. It’s a beautiful day to nurture the garden of friendship and enjoy what is already blossoming.
CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon is gliding through your career sector, inviting you to step towards success in a beautiful, balanced exquisite way. It’s also a wonderful day to cultivate the partnerships that will lead you to exquisite and shining success.
AQUARIUS: The lovely Libra Moon is gliding through your publishing sector, nurturing your capacity for philosophical fairness, graciousness and poise. It’s a beautiful day to be a voice of harmony in a world of conflict.
PISCES: The lovely Libra Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, inviting you to explore a deeper level of emotional intimacy with the people you are closest to. Dare to be vulnerable and share who you really are. Cultivate deep inner balance that finds expression in your relationships and your outer world.