THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JANUARY 4TH: The Pisces Moon continues her waxing journey through the day, harmonizing with the Capricorn Sun to nurture our capacity to make our dreams a reality. Luna will also join up with Saturn in Pisces to nurture our commitment to our Highest Love, our most beautiful, transcendent dreams, and our capacity to commit with our souls to our vision by Divine Design it’s a beautiful day to put a solid foundation beneath our dreams as we open to a tidal inflow of Divine Love, compassion and mercy.

ARIES: The Pisces Moon continues her glide through your spiritual sector, where today she harmonizes with the Capricorn Sun, to nurture your capacity to make your dreams and visions a beautiful spiritual reality. Luna will also join up with Saturn to nurture your power to commit to your Highest Love and your deepest intention. It’s a beautiful day for a spiritual commitment. Involve your angels and ancestors as you make your dreams a reality.

TAURUS: The Pisces Moon continues her glide through your social sector, where today she harmonizes with the Capricorn Sun to nurture the collaborations presentations and projects that nurture your soul. It’s a gorgeous day for commitment to your peeps and your dreams as Saturn and the Moon joined forces.

GEMINI: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your professional success, inviting you to advance mergers and collaborations that lead to mutual success. Luna will also join up with Saturn in your career sector, making this a stellar day for taking executive action that makes your professional dreams come true.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your higher mind, inviting you to be a fountain of faith, prayer, blessing, compassion, forgiveness, Grace, and all beautiful sacred qualities. It’s a beautiful day to commit to holding the highest ground, even if those around you cannot. It’s also a stellar day to take some action to make your most inspired dreams come true.

LEO: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your deepest capacity for Higher Love, deep compassion, and selfless service. It’s a beautiful day to make your deepest dreams come true, as Saturn and the Moon join forces in the depths of your soul. Stay committed to your enlightenment, stay disciplined pray, meditate, forgive, bless. Rinse and repeat.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your partnership sector, inviting you to advance shared visions with creative personal or professional partners. Today Luna will join up with Saturn in your partnership sector, making this a stellar day for sacred, beautiful commitments to those you love and the dreams you love and share.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your sector of service today, inviting you to be a fountain of love, compassion, understanding forbearance, and forgiveness for those you love. It’s a beautiful day to serve the universe by serving those around you who need it most, and by supporting the dreams and visions of those you love.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your creative sector, inviting you to work on making your creative visions an inspiring concrete reality. Luna will join up with Saturn today, inviting you to commit to your creative dreams with tangible executive, practical action.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your home sector, where it’s a gorgeous day to take practical action to advance your domestic vision. Luna will join up with Saturn to amplify this theme of commitment, inviting you to crystallize your vision for your domestic and family life, then take executive action to make it so.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your mind, and your most brilliant ideas, that it’s a great day to advance with practical action. Luna will join up with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to commit to the vision that you were born to crystallize next. What is that vision? Define it, then take an executive action to achieve it.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your fiscal sector, and your capacity to advance the material dreams and visions that are calling. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn, inviting you to take a serious look at financial investments and holdings, and ask yourself what your vision is for what you most want to manifest next, or would like to invest in with your time and other resources?

PISCES: The Pisces Moon continues to surround you with her Highest Love and Grace, inviting you to be a practical visionary today. Imagine your dreams and achieve them. It’s a beautiful day to commit to the vision, and the love, that means the most to you, with some practical executive action.