THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JANUARY 5TH: The Moon begins the day waxing through Pisces, where she joins up with oceanic Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams, and the Highest Divine Love. It’s a beautiful morning and early afternoon for catching the wave of Grace and riding it to a higher level of consciousness. At 9:30 AM EST, Luna goes void in Pisces till 2:01 PM when she heads into Aries to nurture our capacity to initiate positive action to advance the goals and strategies that mean the most to us.

ARIES: The day begins with the Pisces Moon joining up with Neptune in your spiritual sector, inviting you into a morning beautifully spent, allowing waves of Divine Love and Grace to wash over you blessing you with Divine Love. Luna goes void at 9:30 this morning, till 2:01 PM EST, when she strides into Aries to help you get moving in a positive direction it’s a gorgeous afternoon to put self-care at the top of the list.

TAURUS: The day begins with Luna joining up with Neptune in your social sector, inviting you to send waves of blessings to beloved friends and community. At 9:30 AM EST, Luna goes void giving you a beautiful day for reflection till 2:01 PM when she heads into Aries to nurture your inner spiritual warrior who is committed to enlightenment and the disciplines that achieve it.

GEMINI: The day begins with Luna joining up with Neptune in your career sector, to sending waves of visionary brilliance to inspire your professional goals. At 9:30 AM EST, Luna goes void, giving you a beautiful day for reflecting on your career till 2:01 PM when she heads  into Aries, inviting you to step out into the world and flex some social muscle.

CANCER: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your higher mind, sending waves of Grace from your angels and ancestors to wash over you today. At 9:30 AM EST, Luna goes void, making this beautiful morning and early afternoon for reflection, prayer, and blessing others. At 2:01 PM EST, Luna heads into Aries to nurture your capacity to advance goals that lead to success.

LEO: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your deepest sector, to nurture you with waves of Divine Love and Grace that flow into you as you open to them. At 9:30 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring a beautiful day for prayer, surrender, and all forms of blessing. At 2:01 PM EST, Luna heads into Aries in your publishing sector, inviting you to advance the ideas that are calling.

VIRGO: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your partnership sector, inviting you to surrender all relationship dynamics to Heaven and open to an influx of Heavenly Grace. At 9:30 AM EST, Luna goes void inspiring reflection and going with the flow till 2:01 PM EST when she heads into Aries in your deepest sector, inviting you to be brave and face your deepest feelings and needs wherever they lead.

LIBRA: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your work and health sector, inviting you to nurture your health and well-being by opening to an influx of Grace and sharing that with others as a public service. At 9:30 AM, Luna goes void in inviting you to go with the flow till 2:01 PM EST when she heads into Aries in your partnership sector to nurture the heart and soul of your partnerships. Join her.

SCORPIO: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your creative sector, nurturing you with waves of creative inspiration that wash over you and through you. Act on them. Even when Luna goes void at 9:30 AM it’s a great day for your creativity. At 2:01 PM EST Luna heads into Aries in inviting you to use your many talents and skills to serve those you love.

SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your home sector, nurturing your home and family with waves of Grace from your ancestors. It’s a gorgeous day after 9:30 AM EST, when the Moon goes void, to tidy up and putter around domestically. At 2:01 PM EST, Luna heads into Aries to nurture your creative inner warrior who is fearless and brave when it comes to self expression.

CAPRICORN: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your mind, where waves of Grace are streaming, strengthening your faith, filling you with Grace, compassion and Higher Love. At 2:01 PM EST Luna heads into Aries to nurture your capacity to set your home in order by attending to practical details, plans and the little things.

AQUARIUS: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your material sector, inviting you to focus on your most beloved dreams and the values that nurture your soul. At 9:30 Luna goes void in inviting a beautiful day for reflection rather than decisive action till 2:01 PM EST, when she switches gears, heads into Aries and invites you to act on your best ideas and strategies.

PISCES: The day begins with Luna joining forces with Neptune in your sign, surrounding you with the Highest Love and Grace, baptizing your imagination with brilliant inspiration. It’s a beautiful day from 9:30 when Luna goes void till 201 to let your imagination unfurl and do some vision mapping. Open to your dreams. At 2:01 PM EST, when Luna heads into Aries, action is the magic word.