THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JULY 13TH: The waxing Moon continues her journey through lovely Libra, nurturing our need for beauty, balance and gracious love. It’s a gorgeous day to commit to fairness, harmony and reciprocity within relationships.Today, Luna harmonizes with Mercury in Leo, inviting us to entertain our most heart centered, courageous, and gorgeous thinking and creative ideas.
Tonight she will square off with the Sun in soulful Cancer, inviting us to work with the tension between the part of us that wants safety and security, and the part that is willing to take risks and be vulnerable with those we want to get closer to. Luna goes void this evening at 6:49 PM EDT till tomorrow, inviting us to get balanced and centered.

ARIES: It’s another gorgeous day for your relationships, with the lovely Libra Moon still waxing through your partnership sector, inviting you to nurture beloved relationships, by bringing poise and presence to those you love, and opening to the beauty and grace those you love also also bring to the table. Entertain your biggest and most beautiful ideas as you live with heart, and create an environment that allows for vulnerability.

TAURUS: The Libra moon continues her glide through your work and health sector again today, nurturing your capacity for mental balance, physical poise and beautiful work dynamics and projects. Be on the trail of beauty today as you entertain brilliant profitable ideas, and enjoy yourself, some inner peace, and the art of relationship thoroughly.

GEMINI: The Libra Moon is gliding through your creative, romantic sector again today, inviting you to devote yourself to exquisite works of art and acts of love today. It’s a stellar day to entertain your most beautiful ideas when it comes to creativity, love, romance, and recreation. Dare to think, create and prosper outside the box.

CANCER: The Libra Moon is gliding through your home sector again today, trailing streams of love, harmony and peace as she goes. Join her! it’s a stellar day to beautify your home, and invite Love to come and nest with you. It’s also a gorgeous day to entertain your biggest and most beautiful ideas especially those involving home, your roots, and family.

LEO: The Libra Moon is gliding through your mind again today, nurturing your most loving, beautiful ideas and their exquisite expression. You are Love’s own messenger today, called to be an agent of Beauty. It’s an excellent day to nurture your biggest and most beautiful collaborations with those you love.

VIRGO: The Libra Moon is gliding through your fiscal, material, sector of values again today, nurturing your capacity to devote yourself to the ideas, enterprises, projects, and relationships that you cherish most. It’s a beautiful day to prosper from the beauty that you create. The world needs more beauty! Share yours today.

LIBRA: The libra Moon is gliding through your sign again today, surrounding you with love light and gorgeous inspiration. It’s a beautiful day to be on the trail of beauty. Beauty is an excellent guide for you today. Allow her to inform all interactions with partners, friends, and complete strangers. Embody and express the beauty, fairness, harmony, and poise that you are known for. The scales are known to tip, but you can return them to balance.

SCORPIO: The Libra Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector today, once again nurturing your highest love, and deepest sense of peace and balance. It’s another gorgeous day to open to your vision by Divine Design, especially when it comes to partnerships, love, creativity, and living in alignment with Heaven and Earth.

SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon is gliding through your social sector again today, making it another stellar day for exchanging ideas for big collaborations, and for proposing or advancing partnerships that could lead to prosperity for all. Put your best foot forward today! Take initiative, and advance ideas and enterprises that require partnership.

CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon is gliding through your career sector again today, inviting you to nurture your most exquisite professional goals, and the partnerships that support them. It’s a gorgeous day to initiate some partnerships, ideas and proposals. Grace, reciprocity, fairness, and the beauty of collaboration are your best calling cards today.

AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon continues her glide through your philosophical, travel sector today, nurturing the beliefs that foster love, balance, fairness, and reciprocity. It’s a gorgeous day for a beautiful journey, adventure, or for any activity that increases your margin of connection with beauty, love and community, or recreational activities that delight, your soul.

PISCES: The Libra Moon continues her glide through your deepest sector again today, nurturing your soul’s, deep capacity for love, peace and connection. It’s a gorgeous day to deepen with those you love. Dare to create an environment in which it is safe for all parties to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is the path to deepening with those love.