THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JULY 20TH: The waxing Capricorn Moon is almost Full today, illuminating much that is surfacing regarding our executive function, long-term goals, and true commitments. Today, Luna grapples with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting us to get serious about the structure of our biggest ideas and what is required to achieve them. Luna also harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting us to take action to put a solid foundation beneath our dreams today. It’s a great day to set Full Moon intentions as Luna will be full tomorrow morning. (more about that in tomorrow’s post).

Meanwhile, this afternoon in the late afternoon, at 4:43 PM EDT Mars, the planet of action and drive, heads into Gemini, inviting us to start acting on our expanding ideas. Mars will be energizing our thinking for weeks to come. While Mars is in Gemini it is wise to avoid arguments especially since Mercury will be retrograding in early August.

My Full Moon tele seminar is tonight since the Full Moon is tomorrow morning. A recording is provided if you would like to register go to my events tab

ARIES: Today, the Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your career sector, inviting you to reflect on the goals that you’re most deeply committed to and the actions required to achieve them. It’s a stellar day to draw up the blueprints of your dreams and get busy building. Today in the late afternoon, Mars, your ruling planet sales into winged Gemini, inspiring you roll up your sleeves and put some muscle into your biggest and best ideas.

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost to full in your sector of the higher mind, illuminating big, beautiful, brilliant ideas that it’s a gorgeous day to act on and commit to. Luna invites you to reflect on your biggest ideas and how to successfully act on them. Meanwhile, in the late afternoon, Mars leaves your sign Taurus, and heads into winged Gemini, giving you a burst of energy, to put into manifesting marketing and monetizing your biggest and best ideas for weeks to come.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your deepest sector, shedding her nurturing light on your deepest emotional patterns, attachment patterns, and relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to notice what’s coming up for you especially around the people places and things you feel most deeply committed to. Meanwhile, this afternoon, Mars heads into Gemini, to give you plenty of energy, with which to advance your desires and the big beautiful plans that are expanding in that brilliant mind of yours even as I type this.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost to her fullness in your partnership sector, where light is being shed on your relationship patterns and your partnerships, or your desire for partnership. It’s a beautiful day to act on all of the above, and your feelings about the people, places and things that you are most deeply committed to. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, heads into Gemini in your inner ashram, inviting you to act on your most brilliant dreams and visionary ideas.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your work and health sector, shedding light on your work habits, organizational skills, and all that needs to be clean, cleared, organized or decluttered in your life. It’s a stellar day to work on projects that you’re truly committed to, and get organized for visionary success. Meanwhile, late this afternoon Mars, heads into Gemini in your social sector, inviting you to put some energy into your social life for weeks to come. It’s time to connect.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your sector of love, romance, creativity, and children, shedding light on the creative projects, romantic pursuits, and inner or actual children that you are committed to. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on just what it will take to achieve the goals that your heart is committed to. Act on them today. Meanwhile, this afternoon, Mars heads into Gemini in your career sector, giving you plenty of energy to devote to brilliant professional ideas and long term goals for weeks to come.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your home sector, illuminating your deepest commitment to home, roots, family, and your domestic vision. It’s a beautiful day for nesting, resting and reflecting on your feelings and needs at home. Meanwhile, this afternoon, Mars heads into Gemini in your publishing sector, inviting you to put some muscle into your best ideas and project that you want to share with the world.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your sector of mind, illuminating your executive intelligence, as well as the goals and dreams that you are committed to. It’s a stellar day to keep your focus on what you are truly committed to, and follow up with action. Meanwhile, late this afternoon Mars, your ruling planet, heads into Gemini in your deepest sector where it’s time to dive deep and put some energy into the changes you intend to make, and the relationships, mergers and transformations you are comitted to.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your fiscal sector, illuminating the path to prosperity you can commit to. It’s a beautiful day to crunch numbers, and work on fiscal plans that raise your bottom line. It’s a stellar day to act on material goals. Meanwhile, late this afternoon, Mars heads into Gemini in your partnership sector, where it’s time to put some energy into expanding beautiful possibilities with partners for weeks to come.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your sign, excellent Capricorn, shedding light in your sector of self, illuminating the need for a day of self-care and a deepening commitment to self-care. It’s a beautiful day to check in with your feelings and needs that might be waxing along with the moon. Take stock of how best to fulfill your needs. Meanwhile, Mars heads into Gemini late this afternoon, inviting you to put some energy into your mental and physical health and well-being along with your best ideas.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your spiritual sector today, inviting you to commit to your spiritual life, your dreams, visions, and the long-term goals, that are most important to you. Meanwhile, this afternoon, Mars heads into Gemini in your sector of children, art, recreation and romance, inviting you to put some energy into summer fun and creativity. It’s a great time to follow your heart and your bliss.

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon is waxing almost full in your social sector, inviting you to advance and nurture the relationships, friendships and alliances that you’re committed to. Also notice what feelings are coming up about friendships and your social life. Meanwhile, this afternoon, Mars heads into Gemini, inviting you to put some muscle into your home life and nesting needs, as you advance brilliant ideas that could be profitable for all.