THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JUNE 15TH: The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter continue to travel through quicksilver, brilliant, Gemini, expanding our thinking and nurturing our most beautiful, expansive and profitable ideas. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon keeps the focus on creating harmony, love and balance within us, and our most beloved relationships. It’s a beautiful day to seek inner peace, and to radiate that precious quality. What the world needs now is peace and love.

ARIES: The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, continue to journey through quicksilver Gemini, in your sector of mind, where new possibilities are opening and expanding your life and your thinking exponentially. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your need for love, beauty and committed relationships.

TAURUS: The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter continue to glide through Gemini in your fiscal sector, nurturing your most brilliant, beautiful and profitable, ideas and enterprises. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon keeps the focus on business partnerships, while nurturing your mental, physical and spiritual balance and well-being.

GEMINI: The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini, continue to nurture you, your beauty, your brilliance, your charisma, while expanding your possibilities and your sense of self. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon keeps the focus on your most gorgeous ideas and creative possibilities. Join her.

CANCER: The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are all traveling through your spiritual sector, like a battalion of angels, devoted to your happiness, love enlightenment, and visionary success. Connect with them. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon keeps the focus on your home life, and the love, harmony and beauty that you are committed to cultivating at home with family.

LEO: The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, are all traveling through your social sector, where big beautiful developments and collaborations abound or are coming soon. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon is nurturing your mental balance, your verbal poise, and your capacity to be a messenger of love and beauty.

VIRGO: the sun, Venus mercury and Jupiter are all traveling through your career sector like a planetary dream team devoted to your professional success. It’s a gorgeous day to act on big beautiful executive ideas. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon keeps the focus on your bottom line and how to from beautiful brilliant ideas

LIBRA: The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter are all traveling through your publishing sector, inviting you to think bigger and more beautifully about what you feel called to present to the world. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon is surrounding you with rosy light today, that is infused with love, grace and harmony. Feel the Love and share it!

SCORPIO: The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter in Gemini, are traveling through your deepest sector, expanding your soul, nurturing and deepening your capacity for love, brilliance, beauty, and sharing. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon is in your inner ashram, meditating, seeking deep balance, and a conscious connection to the Loving Source of Creation. Join her!

SAGITTARIUS: The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter in Gemini, are traveling through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity for big, beautiful, brilliant partnerships and collaborations. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon is nurturing beloved friendships, creative collaborations, and your need for reciprocity, love and fairness in your life.

CAPRICORN: The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini are traveling through your work and health sector, inspiring big, brilliant, beautiful developments at work, and within your approach to health and fitness. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon is shining in your executive suite, inviting you to nurture relationships and partnerships that could lead to mutual and stellar success.

AQUARIUS: The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini, keep the focus on your recreational life, your love life, and your creative life, where big beautiful developments are in the air. Meanwhile the Libra Moon keeps the focus on travel plans, partnerships, and gorgeous ideas. Pursue them.

PISCES: The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all in Gemini, are gracing your home, where big beautiful plans and ideas are in the air. Meanwhile, the Libra Moon is cruising through the depths of your soul, streaming waves of light infused with love and peace. It’s a beautiful day to join her, and cultivate, your deepest levels of love and unshakable peace.