THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JUNE 1ST: The Aries Moon strides into the month of June with a heart full of courage and a victory song on her lips. Today she harmonizes with Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun all in Gemini, inviting us to expand our thinking, our planning, and our most brilliant ideas about love, beauty, adventure, and creative expression. It’s a gorgeous day for adventure, and to think and act courageously as we face our fears, and move toward big beautiful desired victories.

ARIES: The Aries moon is nurturing your legendary courage, brilliance, and love of life as she strides through your sign. Today, she harmonizes with Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun, all in Gemini, to exponentially, expand your thinking and your capacity for love, beauty, brilliance, and brilliant adventure.

TAURUS: The Aries Moon is nurturing your inner spiritual warrior today, inviting you to pray, meditate and generally stay connected with the Loving Source of your being. The Aries Moon harmonizes with Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun in Gemini today, inspiring you to think much bigger, and take steps along the illuminated path to your most beautiful and brilliant dreams.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon is striding through your social sector with joy and love friends and community in her heart. Join her. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus in your sign Gemini, inviting you to act on your biggest most beautiful ideas, travel plans, social plans, and adventurous plans with people that you love, going to places that you love. 

CANCER: The Aries Moon is striding through your career sector, helping you to get your business life in ship shape order. Today she harmonizes with the Sun, Jupiter and Venus all in Gemini, to expand your visionary thinking, and your capacity to act on big, beautiful, brilliant, adventurous ideas and plans.

LEO: The Aries Moon is gliding through your higher mind, dispelling negativity, deleting false beliefs that disempower you, as she assists you in getting your thinking in beautiful pristine clarity and order. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus in beautiful Gemini in your social sector, inviting you to act on your big, beautiful adventurous plans and collaborations.  

VIRGO: The Aries Moon is gliding through the depths of your soul, dissolving old fears, dispelling, mental and emotional patterns that you are rapidly outgrowing while helping you recover precious gems of talents and character that it is time for you to retrieve and shine with. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus all in Gemini, expanding your capacity to succeed at big brilliant, beautiful business ideas.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon is cruising through your partnership sector with a heart full of courage and love. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus all in Gemini, inviting you to bring a beautiful adventurous approach to partnership, collaboration, communication, and dare to see your partners with new and loving eyes.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is cruising through your work and health sector, with her sleeves, rolled up, and her organizing folders and cleaning supplies in hand. Today she is helping to get your life in ship shape order as she harmonizes with the Sun, Jupiter and Venus, all in Gemini, in your deepest sector. It’s a gorgeous day to dive deep, and to release mental, emotional and ancestral patterns or ancestral clutter that no longer serves you. 

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is cruising through your creative sector, with a heart full of courage and creative inspiration. Today she harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus in Gemini, to nurture your collaborative powers. It’s a gorgeous day for shared ideas, brilliant plot lines, beautiful lyrics, gorgeous adventures, and brilliant business plans.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is cruising through your home sector, with a heart full of desire, and a can-do attitude. It’s a stellar day to advance the domestic or family plans that you feel passionate about. Today Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus all in Gemini, inspiring you to think big as you attend to the details of expanding, brilliant, beautiful adventurous ideas and plans.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is cruising through your sector of mind, nurturing, mental clarity, brilliance, and strategic intelligence. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus all in Gemini, inspiring you to use your mind to develop big adventurous, beautiful plans that support your need for love, adventure, delight, recreation, and creative fulfillment.

PISCES: The Aries Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector nurturing your capacity to focus on fiscal plans, intelligent investments and brilliant, profitable, ideas and strategies. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, the Sun and Venus all in Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about what’s possible for you domestically and with your family.