THE DAILY PLANET ~  SATURDAY JUNE 29TH: Today as the Aries moon keeps us moving forward, taking step after step to advance our most beloved desires, plans, and goals, at 3:07 PM EDT, Saturn, the executive planet of commitment, discipline and  success, pivots, and stations retrograde in visionary Pisces for months to come.

Saturn is inviting us into a summer of weighty vision quest, review and reflection, when it comes to long-term goals that we are committed to. Saturn is also inviting us to go within this summer and connect with the spiritual kingdom enshrined within us, as he travels backwards through visionary, spiritual Pisces. It’s a beautiful summer to reconnect with our commitment to our most beloved dreams and the soul’s true yearning for enlightenment. Saturn will station direct in mid November.

ARIES: The Aries Moon continues to nurture your energy levels, your soul, and your capacity to advance beloved desires. Meanwhile, today, executive Saturn stations retrograde in spiritual visionary Pisces, in your sector of dreams, visions and spirituality. It’s a beautiful summer for a vision quest. Crystallize your dreams. Reconnect with your vision by Divine Design. Go within and review the blueprints for the dreams you are committed to.

TAURUS: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual life, and advancing beloved dreams. Meanwhile, today, Saturn, the executive planet of commitment, discipline, and success, pivots, and stations retrograde in Pisces in your social sector. Saturn is inviting you into a summer of vision quest and reconnection with people, places and things you love most. It’s also time to reflect on your vision for friendship, networking and collaborations.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your social sector, inviting you to be bold again today, and take some courageous risks when it comes to building friendships, alliances, and expanding your social network. Meanwhile, executive Saturn, the planet of discipline, commitment, and success, stations retrograde in Pisces in your career sector for months to come. Saturn is inviting you to review your vision for professional success, and happiness.

CANCER: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your career sector again today, inviting you to take some bold actions to move toward desired success, then take a nap. Meanwhile, Saturn, the executive planet of discipline, commitment, and the climb towards success, stations retrograde in your sector of publishing and the higher mind for months to come. Saturn is inviting you to go inward and reconnect with the beloved dreams, visions projects, and presentations that you are committed to. Sometimes you have to go backward in order to go forward.

LEO: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your best ideas, publishing projects and advancing them. Meanwhile, Saturn, the executive plan of discipline, commitment, and success, stations retrograde in your deepest sector, inviting you into a summer of deep reflection, review, or reconnection to beloved dreams and visions. it’s time to get your scuba gear on this summer and dive deep for what is truly madly deeply calling to you, especially regarding mergers, shared property, and true intimacy.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon is gliding through your deepest sector again today, inviting you to dive deep, and make the changes that empower you and allow you to deepen with those you love. Meanwhile, today, Saturn, the executive planet of dreams and visions, pivots and stations retrograde in Pisces, in your partnership sector. Saturn will be inviting you into a summer of weighty review and reflection regarding partnerships, and the shared dreams and visions you have within them this summer. It’s also a beautiful time to spend with beloved partners and do some vision questing together.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon is cruising through your partnership sector again today, inviting you to nurture the relationships that you’re committed to again today. Meanwhile, today Saturn, the planet of executive intelligence, commitment, and discipline stations retrograde in your work and health sector, inviting you to review, reflect, and perhaps reverse some of your work plans and ideas. It’s time for a vision quest on the work front.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is cruising through your work sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and get the job done, whatever it may be. Today Saturn, the executive planet of discipline, commitment, and success, stations retrograde in your creative sector for months to come. Saturn is calling you on a creative vision quest, to reconnect with your most beloved dreams, visions, creative projects, and desire for romance. It’s time for a creative vision, quest and time to reconnect with your heart’s true desire, and your creative bliss.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is cruising through your creative sector, inviting you to be bold, brave, and take creative risks again today. Meanwhile, today, executive Saturn, the planet of disciplined focus, commitment and achievement, will pivot and station retrograde in Pisces in your home sector for months to come. It’s time to review, revise, and reconnect with beloved dreams and visions you are committed to for your home, family or domestic life.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon continues her glide through your home sector, inviting you to keep the active focus on setting your home life in order on all levels, and pursuing your domestic desires. Meanwhile Saturn, your ruling planet, stations retrograde in Pisces today for months to come. Saturn will be inviting you to review, revise or reconnect with beloved visionary ideas that you are committed to. It’s a beautiful summer for a deep and consequential Vision Quest, Start mapping your dreams.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon continues to glide through your sector of mind, inviting you to boldly advance your best ideas and strategies again today. Meanwhile, today, Saturn your ruling planet, the planet of discipline, structure, commitment, and success, will station retrograde in Pisces in your financial sector for months to come. Saturn will be inviting you to review, revise, or reconnect with cherish dreams that you want to finance invest in or manifest. It’s a beautiful summer for a spiritual vision quest that impacts your material and financial life significantly.

PISCES: The Aries Moon continues her glide through your fiscal sector, inviting you to keep the focus on organizing your financial plans, projections, budgets, and investments. Meanwhile, today Saturn, the planet of executive intelligence, discipline and success, stations retrograde in Pisces in your sector of self, inviting you into a summer of weighty division quest. It’s time to review your dreams, discarding those that no longer apply, reconnecting with those that do, and organizing, the structures that will ultimately crystallize advance and support the successful manifesting of your dreams.