THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JUNE 30TH: The Moon glides into earthy grounded Taurus this morning at 8 AM EDT, to nurture our love of beauty, and the simple pleasures of life. It’s a gorgeous day for constructive, profitable activity, and to be guided by our senses and our intuition, which can both be very reliable guides. Do not take leave of your senses today. Let them inform your thinking, discernment, and your intuition.

ARIES: The Moon glides into earthy, grounded Taurus, at 8 AM EDT today in your fiscal, material sector, inviting you into a beautiful day for enjoying your senses, and spending some money on wholesome fun and what delights you. It’s also also a great day for constructive profitable activity.

TAURUS: The Moon glides into your sign, beautiful Taurus at 8 AM EDT today, to nurture you and put you in touch with your feelings and needs. It’s a gorgeous day for earthy, sensual, beautiful activity. Enjoy some self-care and a little luxury today.

GEMINI: The Moon glides into earthy Taurus in your spiritual sector at 8 AM EDT today, inviting you to embody your highest qualities and advance your most beautiful dreams. It’s a beautiful day to create a little Heaven on earth, with the help of your angels and the Divine Source of your being.

CANCER: The Moon glides into beautiful constructive Taurus in your social sector at 8 AM EDT today, inviting you into a beautiful day for connecting with friends and building your social network. It’s a gorgeous day to enjoy simple pleasures and the beauty of nature with friends.

LEO: The Moon glides into earthy constructive Taurus in your career sector at 8 AM EDT today, inviting you into a beautiful day for advancing, beautiful, constructive, professional ideas and enterprises. It’s a great day to reflect on what you value most in the realm of your career and professional success. Focus on that.

VIRGO: The Moon glides into earthy, constructive Taurus in your publishing sector today, at 8 AM EDT, to nurture your most grounded, brilliant thinking, and the projects and presentations that you would love to advance and put forth. It’s also a stellar day for a beautiful road trip or exploring new trails of blossoming beauty.

LIBRA: The Moon glides into earthy, constructive, Taurus in your deepest sector today, to nurture the roots of your stability, self-worth and emotional well-being. It’s a beautiful day for getting grounded, while exploring possible mergers and deepening with those you love.

SCORPIO: The Moon glides into earthy, constructive Taurus in your partnership sector today at 8 AM EDT, inviting you into a beautiful day for enjoying simple, wholesome, beautiful pleasures with partners and the people you committed to. See just how much pleasure you can enjoy today! Feast your eyes and senses on beauty and delight in life.

SAGITTARIUS: The Moon glides into earthy constructive Taurus, in your work sector today at 8AM EDT, inviting you to attend to the details that lead to success and enjoyment. It’s a great day to get financially organized for profitable success, while making time to thoroughly enjoy the beauty of life.

CAPRICORN: The Moon glides into beautiful constructive, Taurus this morning at 8 AM EDT in your creative sector, inviting you into a perfect day for enjoying beautiful creative and recreational activities, solo or with your children and those you love. It’s also a lovely day for romance. if you are single, take the world in a love  embrace and enjoy its blossoming beauty and bounty.

AQUARIUS: The Moon glides into earthy, beautiful Taurus in your home sector today, inviting you to delight in fun pleasurable family activities today. It’s a gorgeous day to beautify your home, and enjoy the little things in life that foster love in your family, and create beauty and comfort.

PISCES: The Moon glides into earthy beautiful Taurus in your sector of the mind today at 8AM EDT, inviting you to explore blossoming trails of beauty in your mind. It’s a great day to act constructively on your most beautiful fertile and delightful ideas. If you think it, you can build it, and they will come.