THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JUNE 8TH: The Moon continues her waxing glide through Cancer, her home sign, inviting us to cocoon at home with family and create cozy, nurturing, and loving environments in which we can thrive. The Cancer Moon always invites us to cultivate emotional stability and security, through active self-care, and learning to regulate our feelings, our thoughts, and how we respond to situations. Today, Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting us to cultivate healthy boundaries and a healthy commitment to our dreams, and to the spiritual path that will lead us to greater fulfillment and enlightenment.

ARIES: The Cancer Moon continues to nurture your home life, and your most loving family connections, inspiring another beautiful day for nesting and connecting with your roots. It’s a gorgeous day for cooking, for enjoying family recipes, and making yourself cozy. Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces today, inviting you to check In with your dreams, and see how you are doing when it comes to advancing and achieving them.

TAURUS: The waxing Moon continues her glide through Cancer, her home sign, in your sector of mind, where she is nurturing beautiful ideas for you to hatch in the days and weeks to come. Some may fact be hatching this very day! Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces today, inviting you to hatch your most visionary ideas and dreams, by taking practical action to achieve them.

GEMINI: The waxing Moon continues her glide through your fiscal material sector, inviting you to take active, practical steps to advance the projects and profitable enterprises you are committed to. Today, Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to act on your professional vision with executive, intelligent, and visionary action.

CANCER: The waxing Moon is gliding through your sign again today soulful Cancer, surrounding you with her love and care, reminding you it’s another beautiful day for nesting, resting and enjoying your favorite domestic traditions. Today, Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to take action to make your most visionary ideas a concrete reality by taking some practical actions to achieve them.

LEO: The waxing Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector again today, inviting you to go within and make time to spend in your inner temple, in communion with the Loving Source of your being. It’s a beautiful day to open to your vision by Divine Design. Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to take executive action to manifest your most gorgeous dreams this very day.

VIRGO: The waxing Moon in maternal Cancer is gliding through your social sector inviting you into another beautiful day for nurturing friendships, alliances, and communities that nurture you. Today Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reach out to friends with partners. It’s a gorgeous day to socialize together.

LIBRA: The waxing Moon in Cancer continues her glide through your executive suite, inviting you out into the public spotlight, or to continue cultivating executive projects that could lead to the success you desire. Today Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to enjoy living your vision this very day.

SCORPIO: The waxing Moon continues her glide through your higher mind, nurturing beliefs that are true, and that also increase the margins of your sense of insecurity, inner peace and general comfort. Today, Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to actively advance creative visions that excite and delight you. The muses are with you today, enjoy their inspiration.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing moon continues her glide through your deepest sector, nurturing your deepest sense of safety, security, comfort, and well-being. Join her! It’s a beautiful day to work on expressing your feelings and needs with partners. It’s also a lovely day to advance your domestic vision, the one you are committed to.

CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer continues her glide through your partnership sector, inspiring another lovely day to nurture the relationships you are committed to, or would like to be committed to. Today, Luna will harmonize with Saturn your ruling planet, in Pisces, to nurture the visions, the relationships, and the visionary collaborations that you feel a rock solid commitment to.

AQUARIUS: The the waxing Moon in soulful Cancer continues her journey through your sector of work, health, attention to detail and skill, inviting you into another beautiful day for taking care of the little things, that really keep the big things afloat. Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces today, inviting you to take some practical action to manifest the inspired visions that you are committed to achieving.

PISCES: The Moon continues her waxing journey through your creative sector today, which is also the sector of recreation, play, leisure and hobbies. It’s a beautiful day to follow your soul by doing what truly delights you. Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to spend some time on manifesting your creative vision today. Live your beautiful dream!