THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY MARCH 15TH: Today as the Moon cruises through Libra, the sign of love and balance, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries, the opposite sign of Libra, within a degree of where Venus began her retrograde on March 1st. It’s a beautiful time to review, release, reconnect with and reconsider all that we love and the brings us great joy. Mercury will be helping us with the logistics of reclaiming our passion and joy of living that Venus began reconnecting us with, two weeks ago. This is also a beautiful time to open our hands and practice the love that allows us to release and set free what is not ours to hold onto any longer.
Mercury like Venus begins in Aries, and will retrograde back into Pisces, inviting us to begin with reconnecting with our passion and true desires, and end with reviewing and revising the dreams that align with our pure joy of living. For now it is good to actively reconnect with our flame our passion, and our joy of living, while we practice silent reflection and strategizing about the lives we want to lead. It is also good in the wake of yesterday’s eclipse, to reflect on any healing required so that we can live more fully and joyfully. mercury retrograde will end April 7th in Pisces, and we will be in the opposite shadow till April 26th. Till then pull in and reflect, review, recover, reconsider and release, while practicing verbal restraint.
ARIES: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in your sign Aries, right where Venus began her retrograde two weeks ago. It’s a beautiful time to reconnect with those you love and to release what no longer serves you. Mercury will be helping you strategize and will be helping you with the logistics of your review and reconnections. It’s a beautiful time to practice stillness and listen for Divine Guidance about this Mercury retrograde journey to reconnect you with your true self and all that you love.
TAURUS: Today at 2:46 AM EST Mercury stations retrograde in your spiritual sector, inviting you to go deeply inward and review your plans and strategies that align with your vision for life that includes epic joy of living. It’s a beautiful retrograde for a spiritual retreat, increased meditation that will develop your already strong intuition. Starting today and for the next few weeks, consult with the higher mind and listen for divine flawless guidance about your dreams.
GEMINI: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in your social sector, where it may be time to review your social life and networking efforts as you also actively reconnect with friends, allies and communities that you love. Mercury, your ruling planet, will be inspiring a new approach to building community and to outreach. It’s a beautiful time to get quiet and listen for guidance as you practice verbal restraint within your social life.
CANCER: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in your career sector where it’s time to actively review the logistics of a career that would light your fire. Venus began reconnecting you with long-term goals and professional possibilities that ignite your love and passion. Mercury will now help you with the logistics. Get quiet, listen for guidance, take executive notes.
LEO: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in your publishing sector of the higher mind, inviting you to reconnect with your most beloved plans, projects presentations and especially publishing ideas. It’s a beautiful time to reconnect with the with the ideas you love most and beliefs that empower you and fill you with light, love and joy. Mercury will help you intelligently organize ideas.
VIRGO: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury, your ruling planet, stations retrograde in Aries in your deepest sector, where it’s time to reconnect with your joy of living and to deepen with those you love. This is also a good retrograde for reviewing financial matters that require your attention, especially regarding shared resources. It’s a beautiful time to connect with angels and ancestors for guidance about anything that requires healing, review or release.
LIBRA: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries, in your sector of partnership, where it’s time to review logistics regarding partnerships that you love. The Moon is in Libra today, reminding you to keep balance and nurture yourself as you also nurture and reconfigure the relationships that you are committed to.
SCORPIO: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries in your work and health sector, where it is time for review, reconsideration and release. It’s time to review your approach to your daily work and realign it with what you love and feel passionate about. It’s also time for some epic house cleaning and releasing any clutter that is getting in the way of you shining your powerful light.
SAGITTARIUS: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries in your creative sector, calling you back to revisit, refine, and reconnect with works of art that you feel passionate about. Mercury will help you with the logistics of your creative life, romantic life, and recreational desires. It’s time to forge a plan that will allow you to follow your bliss more effectively.
CAPRICORN: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries in your home sector where Venus stationed retrograde two weeks ago. It is time to follow up domestic plans that you feel passionate about with the logistics that will help you achieve them. It’s a beautiful time to review, rethink, reflect and meditate about your domestic and family life, and the plans that you are ready to review, reconsider or reconnect with.
AQUARIUS: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries in your sector of mind and communication where Venus stationed retrograde two weeks ago. It is time to reflect on the ideas, plans and possibilities that you love and feel most passionate about. Mercury will help you follow up with intelligent logistical planning, as you reconsider and review your options. It’s a good time to practice restraint of tongue and pen for the next three weeks.
PISCES: Today at 2:46 AM EST, Mercury stations retrograde in Aries in your fiscal sector where Venus stationed retrograde two weeks ago. It is time to develop intelligent plans and strategies that will advance your most beloved and profitable ideas that you feel passionate about. The next three weeks are wonderful for revising reviewing rethinking and re-tooling plans, especially those involving your values, money, possessions, and profit.