THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY MARCH 8TH: The waxing Moon continues her glide through soulful, lunar, maternal Cancer, inviting us to nurture ourselves, our homes, families and all that we love. This evening Luna joins up with Mars, providing us with plenty of energy, with which to nest and nurture beloved dreams, ideas, all things domestic, and all that nurture’s the soul.

ARIES: The waxing Moon is gliding through nurturing, maternal, Cancer, surrounding you with the love of your family, ancestors, and strength that comes from your roots. Today, Luna joins up with Mars to give you with plenty of energy with which to recharge your battery and act on domestic and family plans.

TAURUS: The waxing Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer, keeping the focus on fertile ideas that you most want to hatch like gold and silver eggs. Meanwhile, Luna will join up with Mars today, giving you plenty of energy with which to advance beloved ideas and emotional self-care.

GEMINI: The waxing Moon is gliding through your material sector again today, making this another stellar day for advancing profitable ideas, plumping your pillows, and attending to your material needs. Luna will join up with Mars today, giving you plenty of energy for any heavy lifting required in these matters.

CANCER: The waxing Moon is traveling in your sign again today, giving you another beautiful day for self-care, nesting, and attending to any fertile ideas you want to advance. Today, Luna joins up with Mars, giving you waves of energy to deploy towards self-care, and your most pressing needs and desires.

LEO: The waxing Moon is traveling in your inner ashram again today, nurturing your soul and your conscious connection to the Loving Source of your being and to the Universal Mother. It’s also a beautiful day to crystallize your domestic vision and begin achieving it.

VIRGO: The waxing Moon is traveling through your social sector, nurturing your most beloved friendships, group efforts, and collaborations. Today Luna joins up with Mars, giving you plenty of energy, with which to put your best foot forward in the social and collaborative realm.

LIBRA: The waxing Moon is cruising through your career sector, inviting you to rise and shine like a beautiful star in your professional world. The Moon will join up with Mars today, giving you plenty of energy to deploy toward professional success. Nurture your success like a Moonflower that’s ready to bloom.

SCORPIO: The waxing Moon is cruising through your publishing sector, inviting you to advance brilliant soulful ideas that you love most. Today Luna joins up with Mars in this sector, inspiring you to roll up your sleeves and put some elbow grease into your most beloved ideas. Effort pays off today.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Moon is cruising through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your ability to beautifully merge with others for mutual benefit. Luna will join up with Mars in this sector, giving you plenty of energy to also fight through old emotional patterns, and all that gets in the way of a whole new approach to collaborative success.

CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon is cruising through your sector of partnership, nurturing your capacity for beautiful, soulful,  reciprocal give-and-take with romantic, creative or professional partners. Keep the focus and the energy on what you are building together. It’s time to fight through resistance and achieve a shared vision or shared success

AQUARIUS: The waxing Moon is cruising through your work and health sector again today, inviting you to do what you think will best nurture your body mind, spirit, and overall well-being. Today, Luna joins up with Mars, giving you plenty of energy for preemptive spring training and spring cleaning. It’s a great day to get fit and organized for success.

PISCES: The waxing Moon is cruising through your creative sector again today, nurturing your inner artist, and your inner lover. It’s a beautiful day with Mars joining up with the Moon, to ride a wave of energy to the shore of your bliss and fulfillment.