THE DAILY PLANET – SATURDAY NOVEMBER 23RD: The Virgo Moon partners with Saturn, now moving forward in Pisces, inviting us to take incremental practical steps to advance our dreams and visionary ideas today. Luna also harmonizes with beautiful Venus in Capricorn, inviting us to take practical steps to advance our commitments to the people, places and things that we love the most.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon is traveling through your work and health sector, partnering with Saturn in Pisces to advance your vision for health, happiness and success through practical intelligent action. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in Capricorn, inviting you to reflect on your highest commitment to mighty love and beauty.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to advance the creative, recreational, and romantic plans, visions and collaborations that ignite your heart. Later today, the Virgo Moon will harmonize with Venus in Capricorn, inspiring you to advance beautiful plans that involve love, harmony, beauty, and adventure.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces today, inviting you to advance your professional and domestic visions with small practical incremental action. Later today, the Virgo Moon will harmonize with Venus in Capricorn, inviting you to make time for the people and projects you most deeply love and are committed to.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your mind, and today she partners with Saturn in Pisces, who is gliding through your higher mind. It’s a stellar day to advance your most gorgeous, inspired, visionary ideas. Later, Luna will partner with Venus in Capricorn in your partnership sector making this is stellar day for gorgeous, loving activities with partners you are solidly committed to.

LEO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, and today she harmonizes with Saturn in your sector of shared resources, inspiring a stellar day for getting your finances in order and advancing investments and mutually profitable enterprises. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in Capricorn, inviting you to advance your most beautiful work projects and practices that keep you radiant, successful and gorgeous.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your sector of self, where today she harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you into a gorgeous day for self-care and caring for the soul of your partnerships, and your shared dreams within them. The evening looks great for beautiful, cultivating a loving social life and connecting with your peeps.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, and today she harmonizes with Saturn in your work and health sector. It’s a gorgeous day for connecting with Heaven while keeping your feet on earth, and your hands involved in practical actions that advance your dreams and serve others. The evening looks great for beautiful domestic activities.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your capacity to serve and be served by friends, allies and beloved community. It’s a gorgeous day to advance your dreams with plenty of support, as you think beautiful thoughts, and advance the ideas you are committed to.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your career sector, inspiring attention to detail and professional integrity that leads to success as she goes. Today she invites you to advance domestic visions and to explore beautiful, mutually lucrative partnerships that could raise all boats.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your publishing sector of the higher mind, clarifying your thinking, your beliefs, ideas, projects and presentations as she goes. Today Luna checks in with Saturn in Pisces to clarify the big picture of your visions, then get you to work advancing them.

Luna also harmonizes with Venus in your sign Capricorn, inviting you into a gorgeous day for health, radiant beauty, love and nurturing your self-worth.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, clearing away the debris of outgrown attachment patterns, ancestral survival patterns, and anything else deep in the psyche that you’re ready to transmute or be rid of. It’s a gorgeous day to check in on your current dreams and the best way to advance them. Love is also calling, and today it’s a Higher Angelic Love. Open your heart and receive this gift from Heaven.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity for healthy, loving relationship, while inviting you to attend to the logistics that support the relationships you’re committed to. It’s also a gorgeous day for your social life. Lovely Venus in Capricorn invites you to reach out to friends and allies with a heart committed to love.