THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY OCTOBER 5TH: The Scorpio Moon continues to nurture our capacity to make beautiful, empowering changes in our lives. Today Luna joins up with lovely Venus in Scorpio, inviting us to embody our most intense beauty, and cultivate our deepest capacity to love people here and beyond the veil. How deep is your love? It’s is a good day to find out.

ARIES: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in Scorpio today, to deepen your love. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with your roots, your ancestors and the people you love and trust most in the world. It’s a perfect day to make gorgeous changes.

TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your partnership sector today, inviting you to deepen your love of partners or your capacity to cultivate beautiful, loving intimate relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to release what hasn’t worked in your attachment pattern, so you can have something more beautiful and better. Let love lead on the dace floor of life.

GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your work and health sector today, inviting you to be an alchemist and spend the day turning all of the lead in your life to the pure gold of love. It’s a beautiful day to declutter on all levels and leave sparkling cleanliness and decorative beauty in your gorgeous wake.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon joins up with the lovely Venus in your creative sector today, inviting you to open to a whole new level of beauty, love romance and creative self expression. Today you are a creative alchemist and can turn fear, resentment, worry regret, and all negativity into new love and beauty.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your home sector today, inviting you to deepen your love of ancestors, roots, home, and family. Toss all negative feelings and even negative domestic clutter out the inner or actual door, and invited the love that can conquer all to come in. Nest with that!

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your sector of mind today, nurturing your capacity to transform your thinking and your emotional patterns in a really beautiful way. It’s a gorgeous day to make love and beauty your dual undeviating mental focus. Advance mergers, beautiful loving ideas, and projects, while keeping your eyes feasting on beauty all day long.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your fiscal sector today, nurturing your capacity to create, manifest, and embody, beauty, depth, and a gorgeous capacity for soulful deep connection. It’s a beautiful day to advance physical mergers that could be mutually profitable.

SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your sector of self today, inviting you to nurture your love of self and your capacity to transform mental, physical, or spiritual patterns, into beauty, through love. It’s a gorgeous day to practice radical self love and self acceptance as you delight in all forms of beauty. Adorn yourself with what you find beautiful. Clothe yourself in the energy of pure love.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your spiritual sector today, blessing you and surrounding you with the Highest Love of Source, and of your angels and ancestors. It’s a gorgeous day to seek Divine Guidance, then advance mutually profitable mergers that feel energetically, and intuitively right.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your social sector, inviting you to nurture your deepest and most loving friendships, alliances and communities today. It’s a gorgeous day to deepen with and create beauty with those you love and trust.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your career sector today, inviting you to advance your most beautiful professional, public, or long-term goals. It’s a gorgeous day to be seen out in the world, enjoying your public life or succeeding at you professional life with those you love.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon joins up with lovely Venus in your publishing sector today, inviting you to entertain your most beautiful and empowering ideas and beliefs about love and intimacy, as you advance gorgeous projects presentations and mergers. Today love is in the air, love is in your mind, and love is on your lips.