THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14TH: The Capricorn Moon joins up with transformational Pluto retrograde in the pre-dawn hours, to nurture our inner executive and our capacity to restructure our lives in a way that leads to empowerment and success. At 3:53 AM EDT, Luna takes wing and flies into the friendly skies of Aquarius, inviting us to elevate our consciousness and connect with friends allies and communities on our wavelength. It’s a great day to give and receive support. Health and happiness are a team effort today.

ARIES: The Capricorn Moon joins up with powerful Pluto retrograde in Capricorn in the predawn hours, to nurture your executive empowerment, and your capacity to reclaim your power from anyone you have abdicated it to. At 3:53 AM EDT, Luna glides into Aquarius to nurture your friendships, your freedom, and your capacity for independent thought. It’s a gorgeous day to free your mind.

TAURUS: In the pre-dawn hours, the Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, in your philosophical sector, inviting you to review and rethink ideas, beliefs, and your approach to promoting. At 3:53 AM EDT, Luna glides into Aquarius and begins flying toward the peak of success in your chart. Fly with her and connect with friends and allies with whom you can enjoy success.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your deepest sector, inviting you to reclaim your power from ancestral patterns or from anyone to whom you surrendered it. At 3:53 AM EDT, Luna glides into Aquarius and flies out of your depths and straight to the heights of intelligence adventure, a higher perspective and freedom of thought.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your partnership sector, in the pre-dawn hours, inviting you to restructure partnerships for mutual empowerment. Luna then glides into Aquarius in your deepest sector to help free you from entrenched emotional patterns that no longer serve you. It’s a great day for authentic connection to yourself and others.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your work and health sector in the pre dawn hours, inviting you to continue to get clean, clear organized and ready for success and empowerment. She then glides into Aquarius inviting you to explore new dynamics with partners that allow for authentic connection, mutual respect and brilliant collaboration.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your creative sector in the pre dawn hours today, inviting you to reconnect with your creative power and your romantic energy. Luna then flies into Aquarius, inviting you into a day of getting healthy, wealthy and wise with friends and allies.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn in the pre dawn hours, in your home sector, inviting you to revise and rethink your approach to home and family. Luna then takes wing and flies into Aquarius in your creative sector, inviting you to delight in your creative freedom of expression, and the pursuit of romantic bliss.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto, retrograde in your sector of mind today in the pre dawn hours, inviting you to organize your very best executive ideas for success. It’s time to restructure your approach to success and your use of time. Luna then flies into Aquarius in your home sector, inviting a new freedom and new happiness on the home front. It’s a stellar day for authentic nesting.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your fiscal sector today, in the pre dawn hours, inviting you to review revise and restructure your approach to finance. Luna then heads into Aquarius to nurture your freedom of thought and your intellectual brilliance. It’s a gorgeous day to say what you mean and mean what you say.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your sector of self, inviting you to reclaim your power, your energy, and your vitality today. She then heads into Aquarius, inviting you to connect with the people you love most. It’s a gorgeous day to enjoy your friends and your freedom.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your spiritual sector in the pre dawn hours, inviting you to review the structure of the dreams and visions that you’re committed to. Luna then glides into your sign, and spends the rest of the day nurturing your authentic self. This will help you remember what you love and what you want to invest in and spend your time on.

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon joins up with Pluto retrograde in your social sector, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring an empowering review of your social life, group efforts, and perhaps a reconnection to friends or allies. Luna then glides into Aquarius to nurture your spiritual life and the activities and dreams that you’d love to pursue with friends and allies on your wavelength.