THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY AUGUST 15TH: The Scorpio Moon continues her waxing journey through the day, conferring with a number of planets to keep our eyes on the prize of the empowering transformations we desire. She begins her day harmonizing with Neptune, to remind us of beloved dreams that are worth making changes for. She then squares off with the Leo Sun to remind us of our heart’s true desires, while providing us with Leo’s legendary courage to make empowering changes. Transformation can be scary, as it always involves releasing the known and stepping into the unknown. As you go through the day, remind yourself of the gorgeous transformations you desire. Keep your focus on the end result you desire. Let every action support that.

The Scorpio Moon goes void late tonight from 11:08 till 11:12 when she heads into Sagittarius.

ARIES: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of beloved dreams that will require you to make empowering changes in your life and relationships. She then squares off with the Leo Sun reminding you of your heart’s true desire, while providing the courage to change.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your dreams of nurturing partnerships and beloved community. Luna then squares off with the Leo Sun providing creative tension between your domestic desires and your partnership needs, while supplying the courage to make changes within both.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your beloved dreams of professional success, and the power to advance them today with empowering practical action. She then squares off with the Leo Sun to arouse your most creative and courageous thinking that inspires transformational action.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your inspired vision and the creative actions required to achieve it. She then squares off with the Leo Sun to nurture your courage to make the changes in your financial and material life, that support your creative courage. Act on your dreams today.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your domestic dreams and the financial changes required to achieve them. She then squares off with the Leo Sun reminding you of your hearts true desire with respect to home and family. It’s a beautiful day to actively pursue your domestic vision.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of of your shared vision within partnerships, while inspiring the courageous empowered thinking that will fuel your mutual success. Luna then squares off with the Leo Sun to remind you that you also have a Divine Partner, who is the Source of your dreams and the power to achieve them.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your vision for your daily life and the financing or material changes required to achieve it. She then squares off with the Leo Sun to nurture the friendships and alliances that align with your vision. Make time for both friendship and your vision today.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of the creative heart centered dreams that align with who you are becoming. She then squares off with the Leo Sun to nurture your professional desires and the courage required to transform and achieve your desired success. Become the butterfly you were always meant to be.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, to nurture the spiritual surrender that supports your authentic dreams on the home front. She then squares off with the Leo Sun inspiring you to pursue beloved creative projects that align with your dreams and visions. Today art is a form of prayer.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your most beloved dreams and the alliances required to achieve them. She then squares off with the Leo Sun to awaken your creative power and the reservoirs of deep inner courage that will get you striding toward your vision…this very day.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your long term financial/material visions and the empowered thinking required to achieve or sustain them. Luna then squares off with the Leo Sun, providing creative tension between your professional/public life and partnership needs. Attend to both today.

The Scorpio Moon begins her day harmonizing with visionary Neptune, reminding you of your beloved dreams and the empowering ideas and beliefs required to achieve them. She then squares off with the Leo Sun to nurture your courage to make the practical changes and take the creative actions that supports your vision….this very day.