THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JUNE 20TH: A Blessed Summer Solstice to All! And Happy Father’s Day to all the loving devoted Fathers of the world!
Late tonight at 11:32 PM EDT, the Sun will enter soulful Cancer and the summer officially begins. The Summer solstice is the longest day and shortest night of the year, when the tide of sunlight reaches its highest ebb and the portal of summer opens. From this day forward the tide of Light will slowly begin to wane, till the autumn equinox when day and night will be perfectly balanced. Today is a beautiful day to invite the Solstice Light to flow into us, and nurture our bodies, minds and spirits.
Astrologically the chart of the solstice is the chart of the summer season and illuminates our heavenly directives for the next three months till autumn begins. In the solstice chart cast for DC, the national chart, we find the soulful Cancer Sun in the sector of art, children and recreation, calling us to incubate cherished creative projects this summer, as we regenerate through art, play, romance and self expression. It’s a great time to nurture our inner artist and inner child.
The Moon in the solstice chart is in Scorpio, and is found in the sector of emotional depths and mergers, calling us into a summer of empowering transformation and regeneration. It’s a great summer for ancestral healing and cleaning out the subconscious and actual basement of outworn clutter and all that is stale or outdated.
The chart of summer is Aquarius rising, calling us to the path of friendship, community and group efforts. Jupiter who stations retrograde today in the identity sector of the chart in visionary Pisces, calls us to review and reconsider our biggest dreams this summer, while spiritual Neptune in the same sector calls us to glide through the summer on waves of compassion, forgiveness and conscious surrender to the will of Divine Source.
We can expect new thinking, and Aha moments of awakening with evolutionary Uranus in the sector of mind. Mercury is still retrograde in Gemini, in the summer chart and calls us to review and rethink domestic matters and ancestral patterns. Mercury travels with the North Node indicating that reviewing our ideas about home and nesting is a top priority this summer.
Venus, in soulful Cancer and Mars in radiant Leo are both the sector of health and daily work, calling us to heal love patterns and our relationship to work that aligns with our passion. Venus is opposed by Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, calling us to reclaim our power and authority in our love lives as we transform disempowering attachment patterns.
Saturn in Aquarius is also found in the inner ashram of the chart travel retrograde with Pluto in Capricorn, calling us to review, rethink and restructure our dreams, commitments and goals this summer seeking alignment with the Divine Dream for each of us.
It’s a gorgeous day to meditate on themes of home and where we most desire healing and change, as we stand on the threshold of summer.
Blessings of Healing Light to All,
With Love,
To join my Summer Solstice tele seminar tonight at 7 pm: ( it is recorded if you cannot be with us at that time) go to my events page.
ARIES: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your home and family sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be shining on your roots, illuminating domestic and family matters for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your spiritual sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding the big dreams that call to you and now require review. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your deepest needs and feelings nurturing your capacity for empowerment and mutually profitable mergers.
TAURUS: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your sector of mind, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating your most fertile ideas for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your social sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding group efforts, community building and soulful socializing. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your partnership sector nurturing your committed relationships and mutual empowerment within them.
GEMINI: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your fiscal sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating your most profitable ideas that it’s time to incubate and develop for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your career sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding your professional dreams and long term goals. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your work and health sector, nurturing your capacity for healing and environmental transformation with an eye to empowerment.
CANCER: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your sector of self, and summer officially begins.The Sun will be illuminating you and your soulful gifts and talents for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your philosophical sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding beliefs, dreams and projects you are developing. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your creative sector, nurturing your inner child and inner artist, empowering both to enjoy life and self expression.
LEO: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your spiritual sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating your spiritual path and the visions it guides you to for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your sector of depths and mergers, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding your deepest needs, desires and the mergers that support them. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your home sector, nurturing your capacity for empowering change on the home front.
VIRGO: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your social sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating soulful friendships and group connections for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your partnership sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding your committed relationships. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your mind nurturing your capacity for mental and emotional empowerment this summer.
LIBRA: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your career sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be shedding nurturing light on domestic and professional long term plans for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your work and health sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest and recuperation regarding your relationship to work and all forms of health. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your finances and self worth, nurturing the roots of both this summer.
SCORPIO: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your philosophical sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating writing projects, curriculum, presentations and beliefs that you are incubating for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your creative sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding your big creative vision. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your authentic self and the empowering transformation that allows it to emerge this summer.
SAGITTARIUS: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your sector of ancestors, depths and mergers, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating your deepest feelings, needs, desires and the relationships that support them for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your home sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding home, family and your big domestic dreams. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your inner ashram, nurturing your empowering connection to the Source that sustains and transforms you in beautiful ways this summer.
CAPRICORN: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your partnership sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating your committed relationships and all that you are incubating within them for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your sector of mind, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding your biggest and most inspired dreams that require revision reconnection or re evaluation.. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your social sector nurturing your connection to empowering friends and connections this summer.
AQUARIUS: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your work and health sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating the details of your life that support you, while nurturing the habits that keep you healthy and happy for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your fiscal/material sector, calling you to a summer of vision quest regarding your material life and all that you want to build, invest in or manifest. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your career, public life and long term goals, nurturing your investments in all three.
PISCES: Tonight at 11:32 PM EDT the Sun will glide into soulful Cancer in your creative, recreational sector, and summer officially begins. The Sun will be illuminating and nurturing your inner child, inner artist and creative vision for weeks to come. Earlier today at 11:08 AM EDT massive Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces in your sector of self, calling you to a summer of epic vision quest regarding your true dreams and visions. Meanwhile the Scorpio Moon illuminates your higher mind, nurturing your most empowering beliefs, projects and presentations this summer.