THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY OCTOBER 31ST: Happy Halloween to all who celebrate! Today as the Sun and mighty Mars travel through Scorpio, the sign of ancestors, death, rebirth, transformation, and things that go bump in the night, we celebrate the ancestors and all who came before. Halloween also invites us to defang all that is dark, shadowy and frightening. 

It’s a great day to laugh in the face of our fears, by externalizing them in costumes as we remember that Light always defeats the darkness. Today Luna is traveling through pristine Virgo, with her broom in hand, inspiring us to identify, and sweep away our fears as we glide through the day with laughter in our hearts and blessings of gratitude to our ancestors on our lips. 

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to illuminate your deepest fears and desires, inspiring you to release the former and pursue the latter. Sweep away mental rubbish as you clear the way for new empowerment and healing that allows a whole new level of connection to those you love.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire a great day for delightful and creative connection to partners. It’s a stellar day to be playful and mindful as you advance cherished creative ideas and make time for Halloween fun.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire a stellar day for domestic and family activities. It’s a great day for housekeeping, seasonal decorating and entertaining family, or lighting candles and sending blessings to the ancestors as you remember and honor them.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire an excellent day for fun, games and all manner of creative activities. It’s a beautiful day to choose the artistic or recreational activities that delight you most. Banish perfectionism from your mind and enjoy making art and having fun.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire an excellent day for honoring your material life and your ancestors. Delight in the company of family. Make time to set your finances in order as you honor those who came before. It’s a great day to release outworn ancestral patterns as you also give thanks for the many gifts they bequeathed to you. 

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire you to entertain your most empowering, transformational ideas as you enjoy a day of rest, relaxation and self care. It’s a perfect day to honor yourself as you remember and honor your ancestors. It’s a stellar day to reflect on your most soulful inheritance.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire a perfect day to enjoy your senses and the simple pleasures of life as you send prayers and blessings to your ancestors. It’s a beautiful day to advance your dreams with small practical actions and serve others with practical acts of kindness and service.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire you to enjoy a day of empowering self care as you also reach out to friends and allies for mutual support. Delight in the company of friends as you pursue your authentic bliss.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today inspiring you to act on your most empowering dreams of success. Attend to the executive details that will help you achieve the big beautiful vision you are dreaming up. Banish fear of success or failure as you advance. Whistle while you work.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire you to delight in the company of friends and allies, as you advance shared ideas, projects or presentations. It’s a beautiful day to attend to the exquisite details of projects that delight your mind, with people who delight your soul.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today, inspiring you to attend to the details of long term goals and worldly affairs. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your long term success and empowerment with small steady action. Make time to enjoy yourself out in the world with trusted friends or partners.

The Scorpio Sun and Virgo Moon work together today to inspire you to connect deeply with partners as you explore shared ideas and beloved memories. It’s a stellar day to advance empowering ideas and projects, as you explore your belief system and how it informs the ideas you wish to bring forth.