THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21ST: Today both Lights of Heaven change signs. At 10: 52 AM EST, the Gemini Moon goes void for much of the rest of the day, inspiring us to spend the day in meditative reflection, committing to a mindful focus while Luna travels void. The Sun finishes his journey through Scorpio for the year today, and will head into jovial, wise Sagittarius tonight at 9:34 PM EST to illuminate a higher perspective on the depth work we have been engaged in for the past 4 weeks. Mars will remain in Scorpio till mid December to fuel our transformational efforts. Mercury will leave Scorpio in a few days on the 24th.

It’s a beautiful day to review the deep insights and patterns you intend to update and transform. The Sagittarius Sun will illuminate the wise paths to health, happiness and higher truths. It’s a beautiful night to awaken our desire for adventure and exploration. The Sun will be riding his chariot through the sign of the centaur till December 21st, the winter solstice when the Sun heads into Capricorn. Till then, it’s time to seek wisdom, truth and adventure as the holiday season begins and we explore a tapestry of sacred winter holidays. The Sagittarius Sun will be eclipsed on the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 4th. 

Tonight Luna glides into soulful Cancer at 10:33 PM EDT, calling us home to nurture our deepest sense of comfort within. It’s a perfect night to nest, rest and replenish.

ARIES: The Gemini Moon goes void in your sector of mind at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of quiet reflection and meditation till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your  sense of domestic comfort. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your sector of emotional depths and mergers. At 9:34 PM EST, when he rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your sector.

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon goes void in your sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of reflection till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your sector of emotional depths and mergers. At 9:34 PM EST,  he rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius for the next 4 weeks, and your sector of travel, wisdom, adventure and higher truth to nurture a higher perspective on all you have been exploring and considering. 

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon goes void in your sector of self at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of reflection and self care, till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your material and emotional security. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your sector of work and health. At 9:34 PM EST, he rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your sector of work and health for the next 4 weeks, to nurture expansive work projects, and new approaches to health and well being.

CANCER: The Gemini Moon goes void in your spiritual sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of meditation and reflection regarding your dreams, till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your sense of peace and comfort. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your creative/romantic sector where Mars and Mercury remain to fuel your creativity. At 9:34 PM EST, he rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your sector of work and health for the next 4 weeks, to shed light on your path to success and well being. It’s time to explore new and exciting new options.

LEO: The Gemini Moon goes void in your social sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight, inspiring a day of reflection regarding your social life till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your spiritual peace. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your home sector, where Mars and Mercury still remain to help with domestic transformation. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your creative sector illuminating the path to your radiant creative expression.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon goes void in your career sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of executive reflection and organizing till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your love of friends. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your sector of mind, where Mercury and Mars remain to assist with your mental empowerment. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your home sector. He will be lighting the flame of love and wisdom in your heart and hearth for weeks to come.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon goes void in your philosophical sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of reflection regarding truth and meaning till 10:33 PM EST, when Luna glides into Cancer to nurture your capacity for success. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your fiscal sector where Mars and Mercury remain to help you prosper. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your sector of mind, to nurture your intellect, brilliance and optimism for weeks to come.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon goes void in your sector of emotional depths and mergers at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight, inspiring a day of reflection till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your philosophical peace, comfort and well being. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your sector of self, where Mars and Mercury will remain a while to empower your ideas and your transformation. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your fiscal sector for the next 4 weeks to illuminate the path to prosperity..

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon goes void in your partnership sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of reflection regarding your committed relationships till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your deepest sense of peace and comfort. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your spiritual sector where Mars and Mercury remain. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your sector of self to shed light on you, increasing your magnetism and creative brilliance for the next 4 weeks.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon goes void in your sector of work and health at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of practical reflection and getting organized, till 10:33 PM EST, when Luna glides into Cancer to nurture your soulful relationships. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your social sector where Mars and Mercury remain to fuel your social endeavors. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your spiritual sector to illuminate your path to Grace, enlightenment and your dreams..

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon goes void in your creative/recreational sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of creative reflection till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your health, happiness and family life. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your career sector where Mars and Mercury remain to keep you focused on long term success. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your social sector to illuminate the path to friendship, fellowship and beloved community.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon goes void in your home sector at 10:52 AM EST, till late tonight inspiring a day of domestic reflection and tidying up till 10:33 PM EST, when she glides into Cancer to nurture your soulful creativity. Meanwhile the Sun spends the day finishing his journey through transformational Scorpio and your philosophical sector where Mars and Mercury remain to fuel your quest for truth. At 9:34 PM EST, the Sun rides his radiant chariot into Sagittarius and your career sector to illuminate the radiant path to success.