THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY NOVEMBER 7TH:  Daylight savings time begins today! Remember to set clocks back by one hour today. The Sun and Mars in Scorpio keep the focus on our depths and all that we deeply share with others.The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 8:44 AM EDT providing us with an excellent day for philosophical reflection and going with the flow as we unwind and allow ourselves to explore new ideas and territory. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into responsible Capricorn, the sign of time, to help us adjust to the shift into the new time zone. It’s a great day to get centered, even as we ease on down the road. Stay present, while in motion today.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on your deepest feelings and needs. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your philosophical sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection on your beliefs and your needs, rather than decisive action, as she nurtures your curiosity and desire for understanding.Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your relationship to success.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on your deepest feelings and needs within relationships. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your sector of emotional depths for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, regarding mergers and deep sharing. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your executive plans for success.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on empowering health and work routines. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your partnership sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, regarding your feelings and need for adventure within important relationships. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your deepest sense of executive empowerment.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on creative and romantic empowerment. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your work and health sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, regarding daily habits and health routines. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your most soulful commitments.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on empowering changes at home. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your creative sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, as she nurtures your heart and your love of art. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your capacity for success in your daily life and work routines.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on mental empowerment. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your home sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, as she nurtures your need to nest, rest and attend to light housekeeping. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your creative focus.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on transforming your material life. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your sector of mind for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, as she nurtures your sense of adventure and best ideas. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture the soul of your home life.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on self empowerment and radiant self expression. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your fiscal sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action regarding your relationship to the material world. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your executive intelligence.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on your spiritual life and beloved empowering dreams. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your sector of self for most of the day, inspiring reflection and self care, rather than decisive action, as you explore your feelings and needs. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your material life.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on empowering relationships. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your spiritual sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, as she nurtures your connection to Source along with your beloved dreams. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture you on all levels. Enjoy a night of self care.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on advancing empowering long term goals and your public life. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your social sector for most of the day, inspiring reflection rather than decisive action, regarding friendships and group affiliations. Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your spiritual life and your dreams.

The Scorpio Sun and Mars keep you focused on empowering ideas and projects. Meanwhile the Sagittarius Moon travels void through your career sector for most of the day, inspiring executive reflection rather than decisive action, as she nurtures your relationship to success.Tonight at 8:03 PM EDT, Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your most beloved friendships and alliances.