THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY AUGUST 11TH: The Scorpio Moon is waxing through the day, nurturing our power to deepen and change. Today Luna  starts her day harmonizing with Venus in lovely pristine Virgo, inspiring a gorgeous day for healing relationships, attachment patterns, and deep emotional patterns regarding self-worth, money, intimacy, and how we connect with those we love.
It’s also a beautiful day to send love to the ancestors, honor their beautiful wise traditions, and seek to free ourselves from outworn survival patterns based on what they endured. As we free ourselves, we free our ancestors and those yet to come. It’s a lovely day to both deepen and rise to new heights on new wings.

ARIES: The Scorpio Moon is traveling through your depths, shedding love and light on your deepest emotional patterns, financial patterns, and ancestral patterns. It’s a good day to explore the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. Today Luna harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to heal what must be healed, as you accept all parts of yourself, and deepen first with yourself, and then with those you love.

TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon is traveling through your partnership sector, shedding empowering light on the relationship patterns and partnership dynamics that you’re ready to transform. Luna harmonizes with Venus in Virgo today, inviting you to do a little healing of relationships past, present, and future. Beauty, love, empowerment and prosperity await you as you heal.

GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your work and health sector today, inspiring a stellar day to be a veritable tornado of cleaning, clearing decluttering as you also explore various approaches to transformation of body, mind, spirit, emotional patterns or environment. Today, Luna harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, making this stellar day to clean and beautify your nest.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your creative sector of art and romance, inviting you to use your power to create, pursue hobbies and enjoy a little romance, even with life itself. Today Luna harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to do some healing of your inner child, inner artist and inner lover, so that you’re free to live more joyfully.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your home sector, making this another stellar day for all forms of housekeeping. When in doubt throw it out! It is as though your home is shedding a skin like a snake, or shedding the cocoon like a butterfly. Today Luna will harmonize with Venus in Virgo, to help with your material life, and your financial life. Keep getting organized. Clarity and order support success.

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing your capacity for laser-like focus, and your capacity to change your mind when new information is presented. Today, Luna harmonizes with Venus in your sign Virgo, inviting you to change your mind in alignment with true and empowering patterns of thought, that include more self-love, self-care, self acceptance, and empowering self-worth.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector of values and self-worth, again today, inviting you to take actions that will build your growing self-worth. Today, Luna harmonize with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to clarify the visions that you most want to manifest, monetize, or materialize.

SCORPIO: Luna is gliding through your sign again today, powerful Scorpio, reminding you of your legendary power to change and transform. Keep after it. It’s another beautiful day to make small big or big changes that will add up to a transformation in the end. Today, Luna harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to reach out to friends who support the empowering changes you are making, it’s a great day to not go it alone. Reach out.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your inner ashram again today, nurturing your connection to your angels, your ancestors and the Loving Source of your being. Today, Luna harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to take action that will advance your professional vision and the success that is coming to you even now.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your most empowering friendships and alliances again today. Make time for the people you care for and want to collaborate with. Today Luna will harmonize with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to enjoy creative and recreational activities with your peeps. It’s a stellar day for collaboration.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your sector of professional success, long-term goals, and public life, inviting you to take some actions that advance your desires on each of these fronts. Today Luna will harmonize with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to nurture the relationships you most want to deepen and the investments you want to see flourish.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your Higher Mind again today, inviting you to jettison disempowering, false beliefs, and step into higher truths that remind you of your power, your beauty, your talent, and your unique gifts. Today Luna harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to deepen with partners, as you advance the logistics of professional partnerships or shared plans with romantic ones.Today love is in the details, and so is success.