THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY AUGUST 25TH: The Taurus Moon gets very busy today socializing and collaborating with her fellow planets. Today she harmonizes with Saturn, inviting us to get constructive and take action to build the dreams we feel called to recommit to. Luna harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo, inviting us to get healthy, fit, and attend to the exquisite details of life and beloved ideas. This evening, she holds a merger with liberating Uranus to nurture our financial freedom, our evolution, and our capacity to embody higher consciousness. It’s an altogether stellar day for visionary, innovative action! Think, live, and build outside the box today.

ARIES: The Taurus Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to act on visions that you are committed to. She then harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo, inviting you to delight in health, fitness, and organization routines that nurture your health, happiness and sense of beauty. She ends her day in a merger with Uranus, inviting you to think way outside the box in terms of all of profitable possibilities.

TAURUS: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture you, and your collaborative visions, and a social life that delights. Today she harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to enjoy the beauty of nature, art, and all that you find most beautiful and fulfilling. Luna ends her day in a merger with liberating Uranus, inviting you to take leaps of consciousness, creativity, and evolution that lead to brilliant upgrades.

GEMINI: The Taurus Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to take visionary action to advance professional success. She also harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo today, inviting you to beautify your home and life for the coming fall season. Luna ends her day in a merger with Uranus, to nurture your spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

CANCER: The Taurus Moon confers with Saturn this morning, to nurture brilliant ideas that will require teamwork to achieve. She also harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo to nurture your most gorgeous ideas, inviting you to act on them. She ends her day in a merger with Uranus, inviting you to think and socialize way outside the box.

LEO: The Taurus Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to act on visionary ideas collaborations and mergers. She then harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo, inviting you to take executive action to nurture order, beauty and prosperity in your financial and material life. She ends her day in a merger with Uranus, inviting you to succeed outside the box.

VIRGO: The Taurus Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to explore beautiful, profitable, ideas with partners that you are committed to. She then harmonizes with Venus in Virgo to nurture your most gorgeous ideas, plans, and thinking. She ends her day in a merger with Uranus, inviting you to take a giant leap outside of your usual thinking, and explore new ideas, beliefs, and projects.

LIBRA: The Taurus Moon begins the day harmonizing with Saturn, inviting you to explore and advance, brilliant, profitable ideas, and collaborations. She then harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to advance your most gorgeous visions, by attending to the exquisite, practical details of your dreams. She ends her day in a merger with Uranus, inviting you to think way outside the box about mergers.

SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon begins her day conferring with Saturn to nurture brilliant creative or romantic partnerships that you’re committed to. She then harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo to nurture supportive and loving friendships, groups and community. She ends her day in merger with Uranus, inviting you to think way outside the box when it comes to partnership.

SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon begins her day conferring with Saturn, to nurture the inspired domestic vision that you are committed to with practical action. She then harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo, inspiring, beautiful, harmonious, and profitable thinking, and professional possibilities. She ends her day in a merger with Uranus, inspiring a quantum leap in your professional success.

CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon begins her day conferring with Saturn, inviting you to take creative action on the creative visions that you are truly committed to. She then harmonizes with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to attend to the exquisite details of your best ideas and projects. She ends her day in a merger with liberating Uranus, inviting you to tap into your creative genius, and take quantum leaps of creativity.

AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon begins her day, conferring with Saturn, to nurture the family or domestic plans you are committed to. She then harmonizes with lovely Venus in Virgo, inviting you to deepen your connection with those you love and trust. She ends her day in merger with Uranus, inviting you to think outside the box when it comes to your home life.

PISCES: The Taurus Moon begins her day conferring with Saturn, inviting you to take constructive action to build the dreams that you’re committed to. She then connects with beautiful Venus in Virgo, to nurture your need for beautiful, loving partnership. She ends her day in a merger with liberating Uranus, inviting a quantum leap in your most constructive thinking.