THE DAILY PLANET – SUNDAY AUGUST 4TH: Blessings of the New Moon in Leo to All! This morning at 7:13 AM EDT, Luna begins her new growing cycle through radiant, courageous, creative Leo, the sign of the mighty lion. The new moon in Leo always calls us to a new growing cycle regarding creativity, romance, leadership, and the power of love to inspire extraordinary acts of courage.

In the new moon chart cast for Washington DC the New Moon is a triple Leo with the Sun, Moon and ascendant all in Leo. The Sun and New Moon are in the spiritual sector of the chart, inviting us to connect with Higher Love, and Divinely inspired golden visions that are calling to us this New Moon.

Beautiful Venus is at the 29th anaretic degree of Leo, in the sector of self, traveling with Mercury at the fourth degree of Virgo, who is preparing to retrograde tomorrow. This configuration invites us to embody the love, beauty and courage that we are called to be a living expression of, even as we reconnect with, and begin to review, all that has been keeping us from our love, our passion, and our heart’s true commitment. 

The Leo moon is harmonizing with the North Node in Aries, in the philosophical sector of the chart, giving us the intellectual courage to move forward with ideas, plans, and all that is most important to us on a philosophical basis. Luna is also harmonizing with massive Jupiter traveling with Mars in the career sector, inviting us to be brave and make efforts to develop big ideas, that could be game changers on the career or public front. Luna is making an adjusting aspect to Neptune retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to reconnect with our inspired and most beloved visions, and dare to admit them to ourselves and crystalize them. it’s a gorgeous New Moon to connect with our hearts, and let Mighty Love be our guide. Love is perhaps the most powerful force in the universe. Dare to avail of yourself of it… this very day. 
Love and Light to All,

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ARIES: This morning at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her journey through radiant, courageous Leo in your sector of love, romance and inner or actual children. It’s a stellar day to step into a new level of power, passion, creativity, and lead with love. it’s a beautiful day to connect with your inner sovereign and to rule the kingdom of your life with wisdom, fairness, and mighty love. Venus is also in Leo, traveling with Mercury in Virgo who will retrograde tomorrow, inviting you to reconsider all plans with an eye to clarity, logistics, attention to detail, and what will serve the greater good.

TAURUS: This morning at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her journey through Leo in your home sector, where Venus is also traveling at the later degrees. It’s a beautiful day to build your house and your inner home, on a foundation of mighty love and celestial light, Venus is traveling with Mercury in Virgo, who will station retrograde tomorrow, inviting a review and refinement of romantic and creative plans, as we had into this new cycle.

GEMINI: This morning at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her growing journey through radiant, creative Leo, in your sector of mind, thought, and communication. Venus is also traveling through your mind at the final degree of Leo, with Mercury in Virgo, who will station retrograde in your home sector tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to let love speak through you, express through you, and to review plans and ideas with an eye to refinement, exquisite detail, and how your message serves your mission.

CANCER: This morning at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her growing journey through Leo in your material sector of finances and possessions, inviting you to begin advancing or refining your most golden profitable ideas. Venus is also traveling at the final degree of Leo with Mercury in Virgo, who will retrograde in your sector of mind tomorrow. It is time to advance ideas by reviewing them, refining them, and attending to the details that will support their success.

LEO: This morning at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her growing journey through your sign, radiant Leo, in your sector of self, inviting you to explore and express the love and creative brilliance, that you are meant to share with the world. Lovely Venus is also in your sign at the very last degree of Leo, inviting you to commit with your whole heart to all that you love and value most starting with yourself! Venus is traveling with Mercury at the early degrees of Virgo, who will retrograde tomorrow, inviting you to reconnect with who and what you love most. It’s time to reconnect review profitable ideas and reclaim your self worth that will allow you to rise and shine like the star you are.

VIRGO: Today at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her growing cycle through courageous, creative, heart centered Leo in your spiritual sector, inviting you to reconnect with your golden vision for love, creativity and enlightenment. Lovely Venus is also traveling in Leo at the very last degree of the sign inviting you to get serious about to finding a vision based on your true love and passion in this life. Venus is traveling with Mercury in Virgo, who will retrograde tomorrow, inviting you on a heart centered retrospective to reconnect with the people, places, and the mighty love that you’re here to express.

LIBRA: Today at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her growing lunar cycle through Leo in your sector of friendship, social life, community and collaboration. It’s a beautiful New Moon to connect with friends and allies, and reconnect with beloved projects and collaborations that you are meant to advance. This New Moon is traveling with Mercury in Virgo, who will retrograde tomorrow, calling you to rekindle the connections and collaborations that support your dreams and visions that may need some refinement or review.

SCORPIO: Today at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her growing lunar cycle through Leo, in your career sector where golden possibilities are in the air. Venus is also traveling through this sector, at the very last degree of Leo, traveling with Mercury in Virgo in your social sector, who will retrograde tomorrow. It is time to review the golden, creative, professional plans, that require refining, review or reconnection, as you also reconnect with the people who can help you get the job done.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her growing cycle through creative Leo in your publishing sector, where golden possibilities are blossoming like us like a field of sunflowers. Venus is also in Leo, at the final degree, traveling with Mercury in Virgo, who will retrograde tomorrow in your career sector. It is time to review the details of publishing projects, networking plans, promotional plans, and your nuts and bolts approach to success that requires some tweaking this month.

CAPRICORN: Today at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her waxing journey through courageous creative Leo, in your deepest sector, where mighty love and creative passion are blossoming way deep down. Lovely Venus is also traveling in Leo at the final degree of the sign, hand-in-hand with Mercury in the earliest degrees of Virgo, who will retrograde tomorrow. This is a beautiful growing cycle to reconnect with your passion and review or refine the creative ideas that are opening like a sunflower in the depths of your soul.

AQUARIUS: Today at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her waxing journey through Leo in your partnership sector, where golden possibilities are blossoming. Venus is also in Leo, traveling at the very last degree of the sign, inviting you to attend to partnership matters that feel that they have come to an important point in your life and require some attention or a decision. Love is in the air, but some healing may be required as Venus is traveling hand-in-hand with Mercury retro who will retrograde tomorrow in Virgo, Inviting you into a deep review of what is most important to you in partnerships.

PISCES: Today at 7:13 AM EDT, the New Moon begins her waxing journey through Leo in your work and health sector, where it’s time for to rise and shine like a sunflower drinking in the light. Lovely Venus is also in Leo, traveling hand-in-hand with Mercury in Virgo, who will retrograde tomorrow. This is a beautiful lunar cycle to review all that requires healing in your heart, your work life, and your day-to-day habits, so that you are living a life that you love, waking up to every morning and our enjoying healthy partnerships and relationships that feed your heart and nurture your soul.